
Flowers in the window 

Tomorrow we’ll find out whether they are going to do Frida’s cleft palate operation Tuesday or not. It’s kind of silent in my head at the moment… She has been having a cold for the past 5 days, and it’s still there, though not as bad as it has been, and we just don’t know what to expect.

I went with Ronja to her gymnastics show this afternoon. It’s the end of season for her gym class so I was looking forward to seeing what they have been up to all year. Mads stayed at home with Frida – even though it has had no effect at all, we have pretty much been isolating her this last couple of weeks. Ronja and the rest of the children did a great show, and it’s always nice to go somewhere with her on my own – I’m not sure which one of us enjoys it the most.

Ronja at gymnastics show

I did actually sew a bit as well this weekend – identical night gowns for the girls – and I think they turned out so sweet. I haven’t been able to take pictures yet, but hopefully I’ll get around to it soon.

Oh, by the way – Mads brought home his new baby this evening. He has bought an old motorcycle – a Honda CB650, that he’s going to restore, and he’s so enthusiastic about it. He used to ride a motorcycle when he was younger, and I do believe this is a small dream come true for him. Check it out – do you think there’s room for me? 🙂

Mads with his new baby 

Now, in the morning we’re dropping off Ronja at the kindergarten, and Mads, Frida, and I are going on to the hospital in Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet. I’m packing for several days of course, but trying to prepare myself for the possibility, that we may just be told to go home, and get rid of the cold. We’ll see.


  1. karen says:

    I’ve been meaning to get a package to you, I guess now’s the time.

    Please know we’re all thinking about you and Frida and sending healthy, happy thoughts across the ocean to you.

    Much love,
    Karen and Ella

  2. Jenny says:

    Oh, there’s definitely room for you on the bike 🙂 How fun.

    I’ll be thinking about you guys tomorrow and hoping Miss Frida’s appointment goes well and she will be able to have the surgery.

  3. Ulla V. says:

    I morgen – ja pyha…jeg håber, at tingene arter sig bedst muligt for jer og lille Frida.
    De sidste mange dage har jeg godt nok tænkt på jer on and off. Jeg kan ikke gøre andet end at ønske jer ALT det bedste i de dage i går i møde.
    Og jeg er sikker på, at i snart kan drage et lettelsens suk når det hele er vel overstået, og at i kan have hele den lille familie samlet derhjemme igen. :0))

    Mange tanker og et lille klem

  4. teri says:

    keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

    btw, the motorcycle is wickedly awesome. i would love to have one, but hubski says “no way.”

  5. Martin says:


    Jeg håber Frida havde det godt nok til at blive opereret. Og at alt er gået godt.

    Jeg er jo alenefar i dag, da rikke jo også er på hospitalet, men det går fint med hende. Så jeg må overtage hendes pligter, og kigge din fine blog.

    Hvis Mads har brug for en babysitter til hans lille ny, skal han bare sige til….(hvis jeg dag bare havde kørekort til sådan en)

  6. rikki says:

    Astrid, I know for you the hardest part is the waiting, you just want it done and over with. I do hope that will happen tomorrow and my thougts will be with you.

  7. Astrid says:

    Hey everybody – this is going to be a brief mass reply, but I want to tell you all that Frida had her surgery this morning. Everything went well, but she has had a seriously rough day, and I’m busted as well. I hope she’s feeling better in the morning!

    Thank you SO much for your heart warming thoughts and wishes!

  8. Marina says:

    Å hvor er det godt at læse at Ronja er opereret og at alt gik godt. Jeg har tænkt meget på jer og håber at hun hurtigt kommer ovenpå igen. Masser af knus fra Fejø.

  9. melinda says:

    My thoughts are with your family and especially Frida – what a big op for a little girl to go through. On the positive side kids heal and bounce back so much quicker than us adults. Hugs to all of you. Melinda

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