We received the date for having Frida’s cleft palate closed in surgery a few days ago. For those of you who are new here, this post and this post tells you a bit more about Frida and her cleft palate.
March 30th is the date when we will be admitted to hospital with her, and the following day she will have the operation. I’m not the worrying kind, but receiving the letter did really bring it to the front of my awareness. Our beautiful little girl under anaesthesia, in the operating room – that does yield a few thoughts. Everything will be fine I’m sure, but I think it’s going to be a tough few days in the hospital.
Right now we’re making a few preparations. At the time of the operation, she’s not allowed to be using either a dummy or a baby bottle – both of which we have been using this far. She loved her bottle of warm milk before bedtime up until a week ago – now we have replaced it with a little bit of warm milk in a cup. We dreaded getting her off the bottle, but it has been no problem at all – she still goes to sleep like a baby! Next up is getting her off the dummy – which I dread even more. Who knows – she may just surprise us. Does it all the time! 🙂
We have good experiences here removing the dummy without much ado. First time the circumstance was horrid because Mollie needed a skin graft to her lip after a dog bite. After that she couldn’t use her dummy. She coped fine. With Will we just said it was no more. He was harder to settle for a few days, but it was easy peasy.
Hope it goes smoothly with Frida.
Sweet Girl with an infectious smile! I will be thinking of you both on the 30th and sending all my positive thoughts your way!
Astrid, I’ll definitely be thinking of sweet Frida. I love, love, love the picture of your girls with Mads – seriously, it doesn’t get any cuter than that!!
… please email me your address. I have something to send your girls in the next month (hopefully) – as soon as I get my craft act back in order!!
Your girls are absolutely beautiful.
At få sådan en dato kan både give vished og et ubehageligt sug i maven.
Jeg kender godt følelsen af at få sit barn opereret – både Emil og Anne-Sohie har prøvet det, og det har altid givet mig en fornemmelse af magtesløshed efterfulgt af glæde og lettelse.
Jeg er sikker på, at alt nok skal gå rigtig godt med jeres lille skønne Frida.
I vil i hvert tilfælde alle være i mine tanker i de dage i er på sygehuset.
Det er rigtig flot at hun sådan kan undvære sutteflasken – jeg håber det går lige så nemt med sutten.
Hav en dejlig dag, Astrid :0))
Dejligt billede af Mads og pigerne. Som jeg tidligere har skrevet bliver det rigtig godt at få operationen overstået. Selvom man prøver ikke at tænke for meget over det, er det da noget der fylder i baghovedet. Vi føler meget med Jer, og I må endelig sige til hvis vi kan gøre noget. Evt passe Ronja eller noget…
Kram Tykke Rikke og familie
I’m not the worrying kind, either, but I can certainly understand that this is a bit much, even for us laid-back moms.
I’m sure that Frida will come through fine, with her Sparkly Personality, Warm Smile, and Palate intact.
Kiss her for me.
Det var så den dato, vi gik og ventede på, og det skal jo til; men jeg tror nu nok, jeg har det lidt lige som dig ved tanken om vores lille, dejlige Frida på operationsbordet.
Mens jeg frekventerede Taleinstituttet med Martin, så jeg rigtig mange beviser for, hvor dygtige de er, så det er godt at tænke på.
Saras – well, with Ronja, removing the dummy was easy, because we could talk to her. However, Frida is only 17 months now, and she won’t understand why she can’t have it anymore. I hope it helps that she’s utterly devoted to her comfort blankets – we won’t take those away! 🙂 BTW, skin graft after a dog bite – that doesn’t sound so nice – hope it all ended ok!
Amy – thanks! 🙂
Jenny – I love that picture as well – thanks! 😉 (Wow – you got me all curious now – address on its way!)
Dana – thank you so much! 🙂
Ulla – ja, et sug i maven, det fik jeg godt nok, da jeg åbnede brevet fra Rigshospitalet. Men der er selvfølgelig to sider af det, og vi glæder os til at få det overstået, så Frida kan komme i gang med at lære at skabe de lyde, som andre børn kan. Det bliver nogle hårde timer, men selvfølgelig skal det nok gå godt! Tusinde tak! 🙂
Rikke – ja, det kommer lige til at fylde lidt nu – og vi tænker også meget på vores konstant skrantende helbred, for hvis Frida er syg henimod slutningen af måneden, så flytter de operationen. Tusinde tak for tilbuddet – jeg tror nu også, at I har jeres at se til, men det er rigtig sødt af dig! 😉
Karen – kiss given (and a few from me) – thank you so much! 🙂
Mor – ja, de er dygtige, og selvfølgelig skal det nok gå godt. Det bliver nok bare nogle lidt lange timer at komme igennem. 🙂
awww…poor little sweetie…and mommy & daddy. even when it is a “simple” procedure, it is still your child. how can you not worry? sending lots of virtual hugs your way. do let us know how she is doing.