Wild Nature Top

Ronja modeling the

I made this top for Ronja during the weekend. It doesn’t go with the pants she’s wearing, so you’ll have to insert imagination here. But it looks like an easy project, right? Well, I can tell you, that I have never ever made as many errors with a project as I did with this one. It maybe due to the fact that it got rather late Saturday night, and I was tired and watching a movie while I was sewing – but still. When I picked it up to finish it today, everything kept on going wrong..! I did it all – stitched things together in the wrong ways, sewed through layers that weren’t even supposed to be under the needle, serged something off(!) that wasn’t supposed to come off… Yep – I did it all! It’s incredible really, because when you look at it now, it’s not really visible. It is a little bit on the inside, but that’s it. You may be able to tell when you look at me because of the hair I ripped out, though…

I don’t believe the pattern is to blame, honestly. It’s the “Wild Nature” Babycord Top from Ottobre 06/2008, it has a sweet shape, and there’s nothing very difficult about it. Except, who am I to say after this…

The fabric is wonderful – this too came from Jo-Ann’s and was a part of this parcel. It’ll be great with long sleeved t-shirts under, and for jeans or neutral skirts. I like it – I really do. I just hope my next project will fight me a little less…


  1. Melanie says:

    That’s cute! It doesn’t look like you had as much trouble as you did. Is this the pattern that had the girl appliqué on the front? You have a knack for picking just the right ones for your girls. Nice job!

  2. kristi says:

    Astrid, it looks lovely- even after all your trouble! I hope the next one is a little easier. Thank you for posting your project– I would not have thought twice about the pattern before seeing your version- now it is definitely on my list!

  3. Ruth says:

    Cute top, and cute fabric. Sorry you had so many difficulties when sewing. Sometimes those days just happen and the best thing to do is walk away and finish later. Ask me how I know. 🙂

  4. Natalie says:

    Isn’t it weird how some projects that have problem after problem? That was how my Christmas sewing went. You’re just lucky none of your problems ended up showing!

    The top is beautiful and you do amazing work! Ronja is a doll!

  5. Jeannine says:

    Sometimes the easiest things get hard. Haven’t we all been there? If you have never had this problem before then consider yourself very lucky and very talented. I run into this all the time.
    Gorgeous top Astrid. Never even noticed this pattern before.

  6. Chris says:

    And there I thought you’ve stopped blogging. It took me a while to figure out why your blog was not up-dated in my blogroll anymore. It seems, even though I told blogger your new web address, it didn’t like it and just refused to show me your latest blog entries :O( Well, now everything works just fine again at last.

    And you have been busy, wowwww. One garment more beautiful than the other. You may ask me about sewing mistakes, I’m a pro at it, believe me. I understand your frustration, it’s so annoying. But rest assured, you are not alone ;O)

    XO, Chris

  7. Maria says:

    Yeah Astrid, I know exactly what you are talking about! Been there, done that… Luckily the next one will most likely be much easier 🙂 What an adorable top anyway, lovely fabric and beautiful pattern. Well worth all the trouble! I’m waiting for my little girl to grow into this pattern.

  8. Astrid says:

    Thanks all for all your sweet comments – I could definitely do with some reactions from people who know what it feels like to have 10 thumbs for a day… 😉

    Melanie – thanks! Actually you’re thinking of a very similar top in the magazine before this one. They are very much alike, but this one is from 6/2008 – the other one is from 4/2008 – and I believe the other one is actually a knit pattern?

    Chris – I’m so happy you found your way back! You’re not the only one who had the trouble, and I still have lots and lots of links going to my old site. It’s just too bad – I really hope the majority finds their way back here! 🙂

  9. Sarah says:

    I love it! Beautiful pattern! 🙂 I’ve been there, too. Serged off bits by mistake, constantly ripping out stitches, ever sewing mistake all in one go!

    You make stunning clothes!

    Sarah from Canada

  10. Jen says:

    Despite the problems it looks just lovely, as always. We’ve all had those days, believe me! And anyway, Ronja looks like she really likes it and that’s what’s important. Oh, and I agree with Teri – she looks like she just belongs in the magazine.

  11. Marina says:

    Ronja er en del af hemligheden bag dine smukke ting for hun er bare så skøn at se på at alt må stråle når hun tager det på. Dejligt billede.

  12. Astrid says:

    Thank you, everybody – I SO appreciate your comments! 🙂

    Sarah – thank you so much – and welcome to my blog! 😉

    Julia – like I told you earlier elsewhere – you have your staircase, I have my sewing machine. And hey, girl – you wrote a book! That must have taken quite a bit of creativity and productivity as well! 🙂

    Marina – det synes jeg også, men jeg er nok lettere forudindtaget. Det var enormt sødt sagt! 😉

  13. CreatureofHabit says:

    Well, we’ll keep the mistakes between you and the internet! 😉 I think it looks great!!!!

    I find I slow very slowly when I watch a movie because I measure everything 2 or 3 times…lol… ‘measure twice, cut once’ as they say. It slows me down, but it’s fun! 🙂

  14. Mor(mor) says:

    Sådan går det jo nogle gange.
    Nu mangler vi bare at se et billede af dig med bare pletter på issen.
    Resultatet er ikke desto mindre blevet fint, men modellen – ikke mindst – er en allerdejligst, selv om det nu synes at være endeligt slut med krøllerne. Det er alligevel stadig et smukt hår, Ronja har!

  15. Megan says:

    Oh, my goodness. It’s adorable. The top and the sweet little model. I actually think it looks great with the polka dot pants and the striped shirt underneath. Too cute.

  16. Helinä says:

    So cute top and so cute little girl 🙂 ! How adorable is she!
    I have also experiences about so called simple projects which will cause grey hairs for me – but I must say that those are typically projects which I thought I could just quickly sew and I didn’t have patience enough to concentrate. So no tv for me when I’m sewing and no late nights neither ;-).

  17. Kathleen says:

    I am new to your blog and am simply blown away. I viewed the slideshows on your home renovation and garden and have to say… your home is now MY DREAM home 🙂 What an amazing sense of style and lovely family you have. I know I will look forward to your blog on a regular basis.

  18. Astrid says:

    Amy – Slow very slowly – that’s a good one! 😉 You’re right – between me and the internet! Thanks! 🙂

    Faye – Thank you! 😉

    Hanne – du har ret, pyt med bøvlet! 🙂

    Mor – Det har altså været slut med krøllerne i et stykke tid – morgenhår, det har hun stadig masser af! 😉

    Megan – Thank you so much! 🙂

    Helinä – Oh, I’m terrible that way. I know all about how late nights can be tough on a project, but I keep doing it. I should learn from you! Thanks! 🙂

    Kathleen – You are so very welcome here! And thank you a bunch for that sweet comment – I’m passing on your kind words to my better half, as he is the hands behind most of the work! Thanks again! 🙂

  19. Jennifer says:

    What delightful clothes you make! This fabric looks just like Liberty corduroy. My productivity also goes steeply downhill when it gets late at night. After 10 is when all of my mishaps happen. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog–I will be back to visit yours for sure.

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