We had such a nice weekend with wonderfully mild weather. Saturday, Mads did some work outside, building a new fence, and while he was at it, Ronja enjoyed herself for hours – literally – digging for earth worms and playing in the sand box. So while Frida had her nap, I had some quiet time for the tidying and cleaning in the house. I know the last task may not sound all that exciting, but if you’re used to having the kids running between your legs while tidying up, you consider it somewhat of a luxury to be left alone with your doings.
Sunday Mads did a half marathon – isn’t he cool? A year ago I would have never thought he was about to start running, and now he’s so serious about it. The run was in Jutland in a town called Taulov (a 180 km drive from here), and the girls and I went with him. He did the 21.1 km in 1 hour 52 minutes, which I find pretty amazing!
On the way home we visited my cousin and her family near Odense which is always wonderful. We got home rather late last night, and the girls fell asleep in the car. Today they have both been tired and showing signs of too little sleep, so we’re just hoping they’ll be over it by tomorrow.
Tomorrow we’re receiving a visit from the nurse who has been our regular contact since Frida was born. She specializes in clefts, and she’s going to be telling us a bit about the operation that Frida’s going through at the end of this month. I’ll be working from home so I can hear what she has to say as well – and I’m looking forward to it too, because she’s just such a warm person, and it’s a great thing that she comes here to answer our questions and prepare us for what’s coming.
That is very fast! That would mean a sub-4hour Marathon! Whoa! Good for Mads… he is cool. 😉
Just so I’m clear, do you mean the nurse comes to your home, literally, to talk to you about the surgery? And she’s stayed in touch with you this whole time? That’s unreal. Makes me very sad about the state of healthcare here. Sigh. But very, very happy for Baby Frida that she is in such good hands! I am thinking of her…
Beautiful photos, spring is on its way…
Sounds like staying at home is suiting Mads fine! Congratulations!
I’m so happy to hear that you have such excellent care for Miss Frida. We went to the Zoo today and We missed all of you!
Amy – Yep, right on – she has been an invaluable contact to us, and she hurried to the hospital to tell us what we were dealing with in the cleft palate, like 1½ hours after Frida was born. She’s a terrific person as well – like my personal heroess! We do have good healthcare in Denmark which is covered through our taxes – we have definiately felt that after having Frida. Thanks!
Karen – Yes, he’s doing quite well at it! Aww – we would have loved to have been there at the zoo with you guys! 🙂
Det lyder som en rigtig dejlig weekend ude i forårssolen. Det med at det kan være dejligt at få lov at ryde op i fred kender jeg godt. Nogle gange synes jeg næsten at børnene roder hurtigere end jeg rydder op og så er det som om man aldrig får lov at blive færdig med oprydningen og de tanker der naturligt har det med at komme mens man ryder op.
Jeg kan godt forstå at Fridas operation bekymrer dig lidt for det er altid slemt når de små skal bedøves (jeg har selv prøvet det flere gange). Tilgengæld kan man glæde sig over at lægerne er så dygtige idag og at hun formodentligt vil leve resten af livet uden men. Hvis vi går bare 50 år tilbage ville det have været en byrde hele hendes liv.