“Puuheppa” overalls

Some of my Finnish readers will have to correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that “Puuheppa” means something like wooden horse. I just made the “Puuheppa” overalls from the latest issue of Ottobre, but I chose to make them without the horse. I have been making them over a few nights this week, and while they may not look like much, I totally adore them!


I love the shape, the pleats, the pockets, the front bib – and the things that didn’t turn out quite the way I expected, don’t matter that much. However, I’ll tell you about them anyway, because there is at least one thing I would do differently another time.

I used a rather sturdy corduroy for these overalls, because it is still pretty cold in Denmark. I combined it with a fine cord from Hilco for the pockets and bib. When I was hemming the bottom edges of the legs, I didn’t consider the fact that the heavier fabric would take away some of the elasticity in the elastics, but that is what happened. So for someone else making these in corduroy, I would suggest that you take out a few cm of each elastic, in order to gather the legs a bit more.


I used some quite big wooden apple buttons, and they were just about to give me trouble because of the size of the button holes needed. Inside the bottom of the front bib, there is some seam allowance from the joining of the two pieces, and it kind of puts a limit to the possible button hole size. Still, I managed, and I can’t wait to see Frida wearing them! I topstitched the sides of the pants, to make the seam lie nice and flat on the inside of the overalls.

Wonderful pattern – warm recommendations from me!  🙂

By the way, I wanted to bring your attention to this searchable Ottobre-database that Teri made (who does beautiful sewing herself – go take a look at her blog, it’s worth it). The database is brilliant, because it means you can search for the things you want to sew. For instance if you search for “pants” and “74”, it will show you all the patterns for pants in size 74, that Ottobre has brought throughout the years – and now know in which issue to find your pattern. Great job, Teri!

 That’s it for now – I’ll see if I can get a modeled pic of Frida wearing the overalls later on.


  1. Helinä says:

    You’re right about that “puuheppa”, it does mean wooden horse :). And what a cute overalls you have sewed! I like the simplicity in them but yet there is beautiful details and those fabrics matches brilliantly.
    By the way, I tried to add you to my favourites in my own blog but that didn’t work out yet. I have to try again if there is some extra thing to do because your blog is in different blog server than mine ..

  2. Astrid says:

    Amy – thank you! And I just sent you an email… 😉

    Helinä – Thanks! I did a bit of googling on the word, and all that came up was images of wooden horses, so I guessed… And thank you for trying to add me – I’m afraid I don’t know how that is done in your blog solution. I’m not able to edit my links either at the moment, because I’m using Blogrolling.com, and it’s not working. As soon as it is, I’ll add you! 🙂

    Dana – thank you! I like the touch that the labels add as well – they weren’t expensive to have made, so you should find someone who does woven labels where you are… 😉

  3. dana says:

    CUTE! and did ever mention that I’m really loving your labels? They look so adorable in everything and really add that finished touch.

  4. Sandra T says:

    Very cute. I actually like the wider legged elastic on these. Looks great. I think the comments in Ottobre talk about the wooden horse; at least I remember reading something about it.

    Love the pink floral cord and the buttons. I didn’t notice these on the flickr site.

  5. Astrid says:

    Yvonne – thanks! 🙂

    Mormor – jep – pruhest var også det, jeg først tænkte. 😉

    Sandra T – Thank you – I am also thinking that maybe the wide legs are ok. Frida has been wearing them for two days now, and it looks quite cute actually. 🙂

    Teri – thank you! 🙂

  6. Jakob says:

    Marlinde just put these on for the first time this morning. Astrid got the model shot from this evening in the mail. She looks great in those pants!!!!

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