Bibs and elephants

I made a few bibs again – this time with elephants, flowers, matryoshkas, and little red riding hoods.

Elephant bibs

Elephant bibs - details

My beautiful little niece, Marlinde, was the target of one of them (the one to the right) – I really wanted to make it for Christmas, but as we all know, I was kind of busy back then. So I made it last week to ship with my brother’s birthday present, and he called earlier, that it has reached Amsterdam, so now you can all have a look. These are excactly the same design as the last ones I made, but this time in different colours, which I like a lot! The left one is for Frida, and I didn’t have quite enough bias tape for the tie for that one, so that had to be made in a different colour.

This evening I have been sewing again. And it’s getting way past my bedtime – and I have an early start in the morning. Goodnight everyone!

Quiet now…


  1. Helinä says:

    I just found your blog – what a beautiful clothes have you sewd! Blog is also adorable, so full of life and beautiful pictures =) !
    I have just startet blogging myself so I’m not even sure if this comment will appear correctly but I will try. I think that the same will apply to this as to sewing – practise will help :).

  2. Karen says:

    So Sweet Astrid! I love that little red riding hood – I have so much of it and I keep saving it for the “perfect” project, forgetting that whatever I make out of it will be the “perfect” project because it’s so darned cute!

    Beautiful work on the bibs.

    I’m just getting back to sewing after a couple days of working on the computer and it is such a relief.

  3. Astrid says:

    Teri – 🙂

    Helinä – that is so sweet of you. If my blog comes through as being full of life, I’m doing something right! 🙂 And you’re so right – practise does it all. I have been sewing for a year now, and I’m getting better. 😉 Welcome here!

    Karen – yeah, I love the little red riding hood as well, and I really like using it for little details. Happy sewing! 🙂

  4. Mor(mor) says:

    De er rigtig søde – og bindebåndet i afvigende farve er da bare en ekstra finesse – fungerer fint, synes jeg.
    Nu bliver Marlinde snart ½ år.

  5. Astrid says:

    Dana – thank you! 😉

    Jeannine – thanks! I don’t have a binder attachment, but I pre-iron the bias tape and after that, I don’t really find it that hard to attach it nicely. 🙂

    Mor – Jeg er altså også rigtig glad for dem – det kan da godt være, at jeg kommer til at lave flere hen ad vejen… 😉

    Iinu – thank you! 🙂

  6. Eunhwa says:

    Hi!I stumbled on your blog today just like Helina above and fairly new to blogging too. What a lovely find! How ever you find time to make pretty things with little ones around is amazing! ^.^

    • Astrid says:

      Hi Eunhwa – thank you so much for stumbling – hope you didn’t hurt yourself… 🙂 As for the finding time issue – it’s not always easy, but my girls are a couple of pretty good night-sleepers, so the evenings are ok for sewing – if I can get the laundry done early. 😉 Thanks again for coming here!

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