The sun showed itself yesterday! Following days and days of nothing but greyness, it was quite amazing to see the long shadows that were cast on the snow. I was driving in the car with Frida, and she complained about... Continue reading →
Last night we celebrated Midsummer Evening. The weather was beautiful, so we had invited good friends over for barbecue in the garden, followed by walking to the big bonfire just on the outskirts of the town, behind the church, by... Continue reading →
Some of you will remember these overalls that I made Frida not too long ago. I still love the pattern, and they are just wonderful in use – practical, comfy (I think), and sweet looking, just the way I like it in... Continue reading →
Some of my Finnish readers will have to correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that “Puuheppa” means something like wooden horse. I just made the “Puuheppa” overalls from the latest issue of Ottobre, but I chose to make... Continue reading →
I did a bit of sewing today and made a pair of pants for Frida. The pattern I used is one from the Ottobre issue 01/2006, and even though there is one for girls, I chose to use the... Continue reading →