

Last night we celebrated Midsummer Evening. The weather was beautiful, so we had invited good friends over for barbecue in the garden, followed by walking to the big bonfire just on the outskirts of the town, behind the church, by the fields and the woods.

The Girls at the Bonfire

I love the warm atmosphere that is so unique for this particular evening! We had a wonderful time, walked back, and stopped by a new playground that’s been built not too far from our house. It has new markings that look like the ones from markingcontractors.co.uk. The kids went to bed waaay too late, and I was grateful that both girls were tired, yet happy this morning when I went to wake them up (which I never usually need to do).

As our friends were visiting, I had a chance to give them this.

Otto RomperThree and half weeks ago they had a little baby boy, and I wanted to make him something nice. Since Frida practically lived in the two rompers I made her last year for summer, I decided I would make him the same romper from Ottobre 3/2007 in the boys version. I used one of my OttoBear tags to embellish it, and while I was sewing it on, I realized it was a perfect match – the boy’s name being Otto. 🙂 The romper looked huge next to that tiny baby, but I hope he will grow into it over summer – they do tend to grow quicker than you anticipate.


  1. Karen says:

    Oh my goodness…you are making me so jealous. I lived in Sweden in 2002/2003 and just LOVED midsommer. Now here I am right down here in the cold…so wish I was up north and celebrating midsommer.

    I love your little romper, where did you get the ottobre tags and do they come in other patterns? They are very cute.


  2. Medrie says:

    Such a lovely gift! It sounds as if this baby was born at exactly the same time of year as my boy (whose birthday was three and a half weeks ago), and I made him the same romper in a size 62. He did get a fair bit of wear out of it before the summer was out, and I’m sure this baby will too. I remember the cute versions you made for Frida. It’s a great pattern.

  3. Millie says:

    In Ireland there is no particular celebrations for mid-summer. It’s a pity really, maybe our family should start its own!
    I found a use for my chicken canvas, a fabric basket from pink penguin.Its for my daughters teacher, for the end of year.It’s tiny!Want to make her a tissue box cover too,for all the tears she’ll shed!

  4. Lisa says:

    What a fabulous romper suit! The tag is the perfect finishing touch and makes it look very professional. I bet your friends were thrilled with it.

  5. Astrid says:

    Karen – Midsummer is wonderful! The little tags were generously sent to me by a reader of my blog, and I actually don’t know where she got them. I just looked at the Ottobre Shop, but can’t find any there… Sorry – and thanks! 🙂

    Trudy – thanks! Left a comment for you over at your blog! 😉

    Cutzi – well, go right ahead girl – thanks! 🙂

    Medrie – thank yoU! It IS a great pattern, and I remember well the version you made for your beautiful little boy! Good to know about the timing with summer and all! 🙂

    Millie – Midsummer is a wonderful celebration, but I think you Irish people are pretty good at celebrating still, isn’t that true? I’d love to see your fabric basket – I have seen the fabric basket, and I think it’s even in my tutorial list of things I want to make! How generous of you to make it for your daughter’s teacher! 🙂

    Shannon – thank you, girl! 😉

    Lisa – I think they were, thanks! 🙂

  6. Jeannet says:

    Kære Astrid.
    Åh hvor ser det dejligt ud.
    Jeg tog ungerne med i sommerhuset og nød det gode vejr men da den lille sov så sødt orkede jeg ikke at tage dem med på stranden.
    Men hvor ser I dejlige ud.
    Tak for din kommentar på min blog forleden. Af en eller anden grund kan jeg ikke svare dig tilbage. Får hele tiden at vide der er opstået fejl på siden og den vil derfor ikke udgive mit svar.(drøn irriterende).
    Kh Jeannet

  7. Millie says:

    Found the labels. Go to the Ottobre website, go to Subscribe, click on the ‘More’ tab, the labels are there. So are the workshop packs that do basic T-shirts for kids and tops for Ladies. That’s what I was looking for anyway, and there were the Otto labels.

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