Send More Sunshine

Sunshine in the snow

The sun showed itself yesterday! Following days and days of nothing but greyness, it was quite amazing to see the long shadows that were cast on the snow. I was driving in the car with Frida, and she complained about getting the sun in her eyes. Complained! Of course, I had to tell her to get her priorities straight – not sure she knew what I meant, though.

The Asian Bird Dress

I made her this dress a few days ago, and I love it – it looks even cuter on her. I’m sorry to say it’s made from Onion 20022 again, but seriously this pattern has been worth every ΓΈre (penny or dime would sound better, but it just wouldn’t be true) I paid for it. Check out everything I made from the pattern right here. This dress is made from Hilco velvet (love, love, love it) from Malika & Rosa and cotton from Joel Dewberry found at

Now, it’s Friday night, and I’m looking forward to the weekend. Let’s do a quick wrap-up.

Mads will be home in an hour or two after a few days of work in Stokesley, UK. Remember the photo of Ronja in the Lucia parade? Well, it just won a global Christmas season photo contest in my company, and an iPod Touch will be arriving in the mail soon. Nice. Also I have realized that there are job opportunities out there, and some of them seem not so far off – so now I just need to find the right one, and get it! It’ll be a nice weekend! πŸ™‚


  1. Millie says:

    I’m glad things are brighter in your world now. The dress is beautiful, the pattern is high on my wish list! The photo of Ronja is wonderful, a worthy winner!
    Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Rohaise Des Voeux says:

    What a lovely positive post. I love the material you’ve chosen for the dress. And fingers crossed for the jobs – it all sounds very hopeful.

  3. Jeannine McCloskey says:

    Astrid, I could not agree with you more on the Onion pattern. I have enjoyed every single garment you have made for those kids. I have to wait awhile until I can enjoy a size 86. Olivia is still wearing size 74. Glad to see everyone is happy and healthy. Frida is growing so fast and she looks adorable in her new dress. :-))

  4. Astrid says:

    Thanks, Jeannine! πŸ˜‰

    LOL Mjet – thanks, and those are not bloodstains. We had the wall sandblasted a few years ago, and the red is differences in the colours of the very old bricks. πŸ™‚

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