Back from Greece – and I’m an aunt!

I know – I’m not that fast, but we’re here! We got home very late Tuesday night – or perhaps I should say Wednesday morning. We did have a very nice trip to Greece – although it wasn’t one without challenges.

Greece mosaic 1 

The place was beautiful, and the beach was perfect and great for the children. We met lots of nice people, and had some wonderful food. However, Ronja came down with a high fever after a couple of days, and though it dropped a bit, it lasted for the rest of the vacation. She was amazingly brave and tried so hard to pretend that she was doing fine, when at the same time she wasn’t. It’s not much fun to be sick, when you’re on vacation.

Greece mosaic 2  

Besides this, we lived in a campsite, and the ground consisted of dirt and spruce needles from the pine trees. As you know, Frida just started crawling, and she’s drooling a lot because of her new teeth. It was very hot, and most of the time she only wore a diaper, which meant that because of the drooling and the crawling, we really mostly saw a tiny mudball, racing around covered in needles. I think she had lots of fun there, and she definitely enjoyed the sea.

Greece mosaic 3 

We did lots of bathing in the wonderful clear water, and we did relax – as much as the above conditions allowed. You can check out all the pictures from our vacation here. By the way, Ronja is fine now – the fever is completely gone, the light is back in her eyes, and I think it did her good to return to our small yellow house.

And now for something totally fantastic:


I’m an AUNT!

My brother Jakob’s wife Jolanda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday. We’re going to Amsterdam to visit them next week, and we can’t wait! I think Ronja is pretty excited to see her little cousin Marlinde.

BIIIG congratulations to the new parents!


  1. rikki says:

    First let me say congratulations, glad to hear the baby was healthy and happy. I loved all the pictures from Greece, despite the illness it does look like you had a lovely time.

  2. Creature of Habit says:

    Greece looks beautiful, and you all look so tan! I’m sorry to hear Ronja was not well, she sounds like such a sweet girl for such a young age.

    Glad you are all home safe – and congrats on being an Aunt!I LOVE being an Aunt, I have 11 nieces and nephews, it’s never boring! 😉

  3. Lisa says:

    Congrats on becoming an aunt. Ronja must be very excited. Sorry to hear that she was ill on your trip. Thank goodness she is on the mend. You photos are just gorgeous! I enjoyed all of them. Hope you all are relaxing before your trip to Amsterdam soon to see the wee one.

  4. Ulla says:

    Sikke en smuk lille niece du har fået – stort tillykke :0D
    Niecer og nevøer er en vidunderlig ting….

    Og masser af dejlige billeder fra jeres ferie. Jeg håber, at lille tapre Ronja er frisk igen :0)

  5. Jeannine McCloskey says:

    Oh, those pictures look so relaxing. It sounds like you had such a great time. I haven’t been on vacation in years.
    My favorite picture is Frida biting on the shovel. It says a million words.
    I am glad Ronja is feeling better and congratulations. How exciting.

  6. Frøken Solhat says:

    Velkommen hjem igen Astrid :0) Super skønne billeder, man får jo helt lyst til at pakke kufferten. Håber Ronja er må dupperne igen :0)

    Tillykke med titlen – det er skønt at være faster og det har du fra én der har været det i 2 måneder :0)

  7. Astrid says:

    rikki – thank you! You’re right, we DID have a wonderful time! I just felt so sorry for Ronja, not being able to enjoy it fully.

    Amy – Thank you – I really cannot wait to see the little Marlinde! 11 – that’s quite a few! 🙂

    Hanne – tak skal du have – jeg HÅBER, at jeg når det! Der er sjældent så stor frihed, når man er afsted med to små børn… 🙂

    Yvonne – thank you! 😉

    Lisa – thank you so much. Now that Ronja is well, I hope she will enjoy the trip to Amsterdam! 🙂

    Ulla – tusinde tak skal du have! Ronja er helt frisk igen, og det er godt nok dejligt. Sådan en lille pige med 40 i feber i Grækenlands varme – det er altså ikke så rart.

    Jeannine – Thank you! You really should make sure you get away a bit once in a while – it does you good! I like that picture too! 🙂

    Frøken Solhat – Tak skal du have! Jeg kunne nu også godt klare en uge mere – uden Ronjas feber… 🙂 Og mere tak – fra en nybagt faster til en anden! 😉

  8. Sarah says:

    Welcome home and congratulations, Astrid! Your pictures are lovely. Greece looks so beautiful. I can’t imagine living close enough to make that a viable vacation. Teething is a drooly time-this weekend Tabitha has all four top front teeth coming in!!

  9. sarah says:

    Congrats on becoming an aunt!! It’s always so wonderful to welcome a new member of the family. Now….what will you sew for the new baby?!

    And the vacation photos are all gorgeous! I was drooling over your flickr stream!! Glad you all had a good time despite the hitches.

  10. Ria says:

    Hi Astrid,
    Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! (heartfelt congratulations).
    It’s a pity you live so far apart but I’m sure your little niece will love Denmark and your sweet home when she grows up. Quite a difference from Amsterdam.
    Here in Holland my boy, Pelle, goes already back to preschool next week. But we had some very sunny days and I really enjoyed the hollidays here at home.
    Greetings, Ria

  11. Melanie says:

    Astrid, your pictures are really wonderful! Sorry to hear Ronja wasn’t feeling well. Glad you are home safe & sound. Congrats on being an aunt. I wish my niece & nephews live closer, but they are about 11 hours away.

  12. Astrid says:

    Sarah – thank you! Teething is tough on Frida as well at the moment, but she’s doing alright I think. 😉

    sarah – Thank you! What will I sew for the baby? Stay tuned – I did sew something, I’ll post it tomorrow! 😉

    Ria – Hartelijk dank! I love it that you write me in Dutch – I wouldn’t mind learning, and since I know most words from Danish, English, German, or French, it should be possible… 🙂

    Melanie – Thank you! It’s approximately a 10 hours drive to Amsterdam, so that’s pretty much the same…

  13. Marlene says:

    Sikke skønne billeder fra Grækenland. Må man få at vide hvor i Grækenland I var og hvad campingpladsen hedder?


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