Earlier today, Ronja was sitting on my lap, while I was checking my e-mail and quickly skimming through some blogs on the internet. One of the blogs I happened to check out was the one from Fabric Hound (update: now closed) – and while I was scrolling down the post, there was a picture of the fabric above. Ronja immediately went: “Aawwwwwww”… while she made the sound, you know – the one that tells you that certainly the world won’t go on, if that particular fabric doesn’t arrive at our doorstep soon. After which she repeated several times: “Mom, did you add it to the shopping cart?” (How does she even know the terms you use when shopping online? *Cough*)
What can a mother do? I have a girly girl, and this is not the type of fabric I usually order, so of course I had to.
This particular fabric is sold out at Fabric Hound at the moment, but a Google-search for “Sprites of Tillbrook” will lead you to a few online stores that still have it. 😉
I will not let Mollie see this post, nor will I let her see that fabric online. Otherwise, I will be hearing that same sound!
I love that Ronja is now making requests. I can’t wait to see what the two of you decide to make with the fabric.
I did order that same fabric as well…:o)
That’s some adorable fabric!
well, I’m glad she wants it 🙂 be sure to share what you make, I’d love to see!
Very beautiful!
what did you end up making with the sprite material??
I have been waiting to see.
Seems like I forgot to answer you guys altogether. But here’s an update: I haven’t used the Tillbrook fabric yet, however, I do have a feeling it won’t be too long… I’ll let you know when it happens. 🙂