October has always been my month.
It’s the month I was born in, and everything about October just kind of speaks to me in a certain way. The way it gets darker every day on its way towards winter, how we start to light candles in the house, cuddle up underneath blankets with a hot cup of tea in the evening, the strong autumn wind that turns your cheeks red and makes you appreciate returning to your house so much – coming home.
And then, of course – October’s colours! The colours of withering leaves on the trees, that make them look like they are on fire. October brings us an abundance of colour which I love! The picture above was taken a year ago, when we went to Vallø Castle while my brother and his wife were visiting.
Today, in the very midst of October, it’s my day as well. 33. Just imagine that! 😉
I totally agree (except my month is November and instead of my birthday it’s my wedding anniversary). I adore fall. My wedding was fall themed, I love autumn clothes and smells. I’m so happy it’s fall!
Happy Birthday!!!
That first picture is great – I love the look on Ronja’s face. Pretty soon, it will be snow! Lol….
I love October as well….the air is drier, the sky is crisp and the angles of light are sharp. It’s a wonderful time of year!
Happy Birthday, Astrid!
Fall is also mine favorite time of the year:o)
Happy Birthday Astrid!
Now that I live in the southern hemisphere, my birthday is in the autumn. It’s a great time of year.
Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen, herfra Haslev.. Håber du får en dejlig dag!
Oktober er en rigtig dejlig måned..
Hjertelig tillykke med fødselsdagen, Astrid. Jeg håber du får en dejlig dag, og bliver forkælet som det nu hører sig til på en fødselsdag… :0))
Happy,happy Birthday!
October is such a beautiful time of the year. Enjoy your month! You have to tell us how you spent your special day.
Et stort tillykke med dagen! – Og 33 er jo ingen alder ;o) (siger jeg, der fylder 35 om halvanden måned…)
Jeg er også meget glad for oktober – og sikke du kan beskrive den, det er lige, så det risler ned ad ryggen.
Happy birthday!!!
….the gentle way your brother throws leaves on your head: http://www.flickr.com/photos/naztrida/2160187372/in/set-72157603624671137/
Happy birthday, Søs!
Hi Astrid,
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd (= heartfelt congratulations) and a happy birthday.
Greetings, Ria
happy birthday! october is a good month….my oldest will be 15 on the 30th
Happy Birthday Astrid! We are enjoying all the leaves changing here in the midwest. Our driveway is covered with red-orange leaves. Hopefully they will dry soon so we can have our annual leaf jumping pile. =)
This is the birthday month in our house, everyone’s but mine. DS is 5 now & DD is almost 2.
Happy Birthday. I too love the fall but today it was 86 here in virginia!
Happy Birthday!! Mine is in a few days ^_^ — I have always loved October for the weather, my birthday and Halloween — it would be my favorite month even without my birthday!! Now, if Fall would just come back (we suddenly have gotten more Summer here, boo!) for my birthday it would be perfect!
Hej Astrid
Tillykke med dagen igår. Lidt forsinket, men dog… Vi holder efteråsferie – også fra computere og internet, så jeg har lige sneget mig til at skrive til dig 😉
Håber du havde en god fødselsdag.
kh Lena
Happy birthday!!
I hope you’ve had a lovely day!
Thank you so much everybody! 🙂 I promise, I’ll tell you about how we spent the day, but at the moment we’re going to dinner at some friends’.
Oj, tillykke med dagen i forgårs… du er jo endnu ung og fuld af herligt engagement så det e r ingen alder! Og jow – selv om jeg er augustbarn så er oktober altså også min favoritmåned – især fordi lyset er så smukt og farverne er overdådige… præcis som din dejlige datter i den dynge blade …. skønt foto!
Happy Birthday!!! October is my favorite month too. I love the colors of the leaves, hot chocolate, warm sweaters etc.
Happy Birthday Astrid!! Hope your day was a special one – enjoy all that autmn has to offer!!
Congratulations! I love October too although it’s not my birtday month. Have a great Sunday.
Thanks again girls, you’re great! Lots of October-love around here! 🙂