November… Really??


This is what it looks like outside at the moment. The calendar still says November, and it’s hard to believe the amount of snow we have – even for Denmark, this is rather extreme this early in the winter.


Mads isn’t at home tonight, so I have been spending the entire night wrapping presents for the girls’ advent calendars – yep, all 48 presents are now wrapped. Tuesday nights I’m going to get out the pixies and tie the presents to them – the girls are going to love it!

This week has been a busy one, but Mondayevening we were at IKEA, shopping for the bedroom. Hopefully this weekend we will have time to start building. But for now, I think I’m off to bed. Have a great weekend!



  1. Medrie says:

    What a beautiful scene, though! Lovely photos.

    If it’s any consolation (and I don’t know why it would be), this is what my place in Saskatchewan, Canada, looked like by mid-October!

  2. Millie says:

    Believe it or not we woke up to a little bit of snow this morning!
    I’m looking forward to seeing the photos of your bedroom. We got our new bedroom carpet yesterday, so we are moving our furniture back in later on today.

  3. Di says:

    That is a lot of snow. We have a thin layer of snow here on the east coast of Scotland but further north and further south I think that they have had lots of snow too!!

    I hope you enjoy your new bedroom – I am in the midst of kitchen installation – seems to take forever!

  4. Jen says:

    It looks so pretty! I miss living in the north where snow is the normal thing to see in the winter. Right now I live far enough south that the people don’t know how to drive in the snow and everything closes down for the weather. Is it silly that I envy you and this snow?

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