For 10 weeks, Ronja has been saving her pocket money in order to be able to buy a Nintendo DSi. The rest of the money has been given to her through birthday presents, but she needed to save up for 10 weeks for the rest. She gets DKK 10 (around $2) a week, and usually they are spent on candy, so I do think the successful saving is quite an achievement for her. She has been looking soooo much forward to getting it, and has literally been counting the days.
Anyway, today she went to get her Nintendo DSi – and she has been spending the afternoon playing with it. We will definitely need to make some kind of rules in that area, but we didn’t today. Now she’s in bed, but we’re going to be spending the weekend at my Mom’s, so I had to make a pouch for the thing, of course.
I found the perfect tutorial over at Mad Quilter, and it took me around 45 minutes to make it. I used heavy sew-in interfacing which worked well and velcro for the closure. The fabric is from the Danish fabric store Stof & Stil.
The tutorial is super-easy to follow, and the pouch is just the way it should be. Next time I make this, I may add a strap to it, so she can carry it easily. Other than that – it you have a child with a DS and no pouch (or you are missing one yourself) – get to it! 🙂
Finally I just want to show you what Ronja and Frida ended up looking like last Sunday at Fastelavn (carnival).
This is after they came home, and Ronja’s hair has dropped a bit. I think Ronja was really happy with her costume, and even though Frida initially had a bit of a “I-want-to-be-a-ballerina-as-well” trip, when she got to choose the colour of Pippi’s freckles (purple), and a flower on her cheek, she seemed alright with it.
As for the organza for the pettiskirt – I cannot advise anyone to use it, it frays too much, and the seams will fall apart eventually. I will be making two more skirts for sure – this time using the right fabric. It costs a fortune to have nylon chiffon sent here from the states ($50 shipping alone), so if any of you wise women out there know of a way to get it at a more reasonable rate, please let me know!
Astrid – I am assuming you have researched all nylon chifon sources, but I bought mine here: and it was $16.00 shipped for 6 yards (which weighed nothing). I am not sure if they ship overseas, but if they don’t you could have it shipped here and I will send it to you (assuming this would cost less than $34!).
The skirt you made is totally adorable! But I do think you will love sewing on this nylon chiffon – no fraying, easy-peasy.
your girls are way too cute! Of course the pouch is lovely, too!
The girls look beautiful. I really love the fabric that the pouch is made from, is it a linen mix?
Hej astrid
Sikke en sød nintendo taske, den er rigtig god at have. Min Victor har altid sin i tasken, det beskykker samt at den lille pind ikke forsvinder så let.
I starten tænkte vi også at der skulle være nogle regler omkring hvor meget han måtte spille, men jeg vil sige det har helt reguleret sig selv. I starten lod vi ham bare spille, da den var ny og spændende men med tiden tager han den frem engang i mellem spiller lidt, bliver træt af det og finder på noget andet. Så det endte med at vi aldrig fandt på nogle regler og nogengange spørger han om det er iorden han spiller på den. Det er blot min erfaring med nintendoen.
Din ballarina skørt er fantastisk smukt lavet og pigerne ser så søde ud i deres fastalavns tøj.
Hav en dejlig fredag.
Kh Jeannet
jeg mente selvfølgelig beskytter(o:
sorry has some chiffon – I don’t know if it would be what you want (I’ve never ordered any chiffon from them, only cotton), and their postage charges to Europe are £1.50 for 300g.
Hope that helps!
Dine kostumer er fantastiske, intet mindre. Jeg ville ønske jeg havde evner (og tid) til at se så vidunderlige kostumer, tasker og tøj. Dine piger er meget heldige. Jeg har lagt alle fire kostumer ind på Faldera og er rigtig glad for at du vil være med. Jeg har ikke fundet nogen anvisning på Pippi kostumet, men må idrømme at jeg har lidt travlt i disse dage så måske er det bare mig der ikke har ledt længe nok.
Hvor er de bare skønne dine piger Astrid… og tasken….ikke mindre end fantastisk – hvem der bare besad de evner ;0)
that dsi will so much more to her since she helped to buy it. the pouch is beautiful.
nej, hvor er de piger skønne!!! Simpelthen!
ps… drønsmart taske til Nitendo DS
Kristen – thanks for your sweet comment, I will definitely let you know if I want to take you up on your kind offer. At the moment I just seem to find steep shipping costs no matter where I look. Thanks again – I just might get back to you on this! 🙂
Anna – thank you so much!
Millie – thanks girl! I’m actually not sure about the fabric – it’s kind of a soft canvas quality if that helps..? 😉
Jeannet – tusinde tak skal du have! Indtil videre er det heller ikke her blevet til regler, selv om vi stadig overvejer. Men altså – i går spillede hun slet ikke (modsat andre dages overforbrug), så måske har du ret i, at det regulerer sig helt af sig selv.
Isobel – thanks, that’s an awesome link whether they have it or not. I have seen that they have chiffon, but I’m not sure about the type, so I sent them an email. Their polka dot fabrics are gorgeous though! 😉
Marina – beklager det sene svar – har som sædvanlig lidt meget om ørerne. Men tusinde tak for de søde ord – og det er rigtigt, at Pippi kostumet ikke er at finde nogen steder – det er min kusine, der har syet det til sin datter. Det er så gået i arv derefter, og det er vi glade for! 🙂
Frøken Solhat – mange tak skal du have. Men man tager det såmænd bare et skridt af gange, og så voilá! 😉
Teri – thank you! 🙂
Rosanna – og tak til dig også! 😉
Your kids are darling! I really like the pouch, too. Do you do most of your fabric shopping at Stof & Stil? I am going to take a trip up to their store in Roskilde one of these days–I have heard such great things about it. We are from Seattle but have been living just outside of Copenhagen for a year. Too bad you don’t live near Copenhagen–we could get together and sew!
Skøn pouch! Tak for tippet – det er en god gaveidé. Gad vide om Stof og Stil stadig er lagerførende i sommerfugle stoffet… God mandag aften.