Yesterday afternoon, while Mads was working on the preparations for installing the exhaust hood in the kitchen, the girls and I went to a nearby playground. The weather was beautiful, which was such a thrill after what seems like an eternity of grey weather.
Frida finds it hard to move around with the amount of snow we have, her legs just aren’t long enough yet… We did have a lot of fun though, but it was freezing, so we eventually headed home to get warm, make tea, and sink our teeth into the yummy muffins we made before we left.
Earlier in the day, while Frida had her nap, I made dresses for the girls’ dolls, Lise and Laura. I don’t make many things without a pattern, but I didn’t have one for these – it’s actually fun to make such tiny garments.
The fabric is from Stof&Stil, and the buttons were given to me by my sister-in-law who lives in Amsterdam – aren’t they sweet? There’s velcro below the straps, so the buttons are just an embellishment. The dresses were a huge hit, so I’ll probably make more for the dolls sooner or later.
That sounds like a lovely day… Great pictures too. The dolls dresses are very pretty. And the muffins look devine!
Du er jo intet mindre end virkelig ferm med den symaskine. Uden mønster og så så fine… Jeg bliver virkelig så imponeret, og så mens de sov til middag.
Og dine piger er som snydt ud af næsen på dig. Så fine billeder, at man helt får lyst til at lege med derude i sneen.
It’s Venus from Happy Find…
Your blog is absolutely fabulous and your pictures are beautiful!
I WILL be back!!!
Yeah, I recognized the buttons 🙂
Again, very nice pictures!
Dine piger er det rene solskin.
Millie – thanks – and they were! 🙂
Lykke – tusinde tak! 🙂 Faktisk er det der med symaskinen slet ikke så svært – og det er ren terapi. Kan klart anbefales! 😉
Venus – thank you so much for visiting, and THANKS! 🙂
Jolanda – I thought you would, they are great. Good thing I have many left yet. 😉 Thanks!
Marina – 🙂 🙂
Do you or any of your bloggers, have any suggestions on what type of material I would find in Denmark in place of two materials I would typically buy in the US. The first, chenille and the second, flannel. There is such a huge variety of prints for both of these in the US, but I can’t seem to find them here, or I am possibly looking for them under the wrong search terms. I am willing to have them shipped in, but again, my sources aren’t shipping internationally. I have a few children’s projects and would like to incorporate these two materials with my other inventory from the States.