This is where it becomes a bit nerve-wracking. There’s this big hole in our house, and at times it can be a bit hard to believe, that the hole will turn into a kitchen any time soon. Thumbs up to Mads, though – he’s really good at wrecking stuff and digging big holes – even dug a few in the yard as well to prove it… 🙂 The pictures were taken a few days ago – it’s worse now…
What do you think, guys? Do you believe in our project? Or do you just think we’re a couple of crazy Danes who have taken on an impossible project that won’t be finished without serious help from professionals? Let’s see what kind of expectations we’re trying to live up to here – will we have to prove you wrong, or will we struggle to meet your sky-high expectations?

I think if you guys were confident enough to take on the project than you will find a way to finish it. Our experience has always been that it just takes longer to get things done ourselves, but it is always worth it. Good luck!
Jeg har jo set billederne af resten af jeres flotte renovationsprojekt, så selvfølgelig tror jeg på det ;o)
Our living room looked pretty much the same three years ago (actually most of our house did at some point), so I know how you feel right now… We are almost done now and my husband did it all by himself, too.
Just yesterday we were sitting on a small stone island in the middle of our brook and watching our daughter play. I said to my husband, “Now the beautiful years have started and we can finally enjoy our farm.” Great feeling… Your Mads will pull it of, I’m sure. I wish you all the best for your refurbishing!
Considering the wonderful work you’ve done on your home already, I have complete faith in you and Mads. 🙂 The picture is a bit scary, though….
Don’t go changing your mind now!! Keep up the good work. You’re both doing a great job.
A hole in the kitchen….do I detect a sense of humor in your writing still? Keep smiling and all will be right with your world.
Den slags projekter er altid forudroligende men jeg er sikker på at den nok skal ende med at være fantastisk. Jeg glæder mig til at se det færdige resultat.
Vi har selv et gammelt køkken med forsænktet loft og det hele, men vi har endnu ikke kastet os ud i at få det lavet. Sidste år lavede vi hele overetagen og det tog 5 måneder… så jeg gider simpelthen ikke mere støv og håndværkere.