Summer – 2nd round!

Last week was a true family-week, Mads had the week off, and we enjoyed some beautiful weather once again. The first anemone japonica came out – this is it right here – it’s one of the highlights of my summer, one of the flowers in the garden, that I really look forward to enjoying each year.

Anemone japonica

We decided that there was no work on the house that really needed to be done, so we could all relax and do things together – this was a really good decision! The week was spent at home, with a few outings to BonBon-Land, Amager Beach Park (where Mads went diving with our good friend Martin), the beach north of Køge, as well as a birthday combined with a graduation party in the family.

Trip to the beach

BonBon-Land was lots of fun for Ronja – I must admit I’m not crazy about the park itself, but there’s definitely lots to do for children of any age. The food is lousy, so do remember to bring your own! I have always been a big fan of Legoland, which is pretty and clean with great service everywhere and good, healthy food – even for the children. And honestly, not many amusement parks do well in comparison – that’s just the way it is. One thing that I really do like about BonBon-Land, though, is that there are lots of green spaces all over the park with enough benches and tables. Ronja wanted the rides to be as wild as possible, and since Mads isn’t much into that, I didn’t have competition going for the rides with Ronja (I love that!). For many of the rides you need to have a minimum height of 110 cm – Ronja is no more than 100, so we’ll have to go again in a few years to try the really funny stuff!

Visiting BonBon-Land

Visiting BonBon-Land     Visiting BonBon-Land


  1. Sarah says:

    Did you make the sand sea turtle and dolphins yourself? They are wonderful!!! Sounds like a perfect family vacation. We’re trying to plan a few outings to the zoo and such.

  2. Astrid says:

    Hey thanks, Sarah – no we can’t take credit for those – they were right next to us on the beach, and I couldn’t help taking pictures – they were amazing! This was only a taste of vacation really – our real summer vacation (3 weeks) is in August! 🙂 The zoo is always a great place to go for the entire family – have fun! 😉

  3. Frøken Solhat says:

    Åh hvor er det skønt med sådan en weekend på børnenes præmisser Astrid. Dine skønne børn ser ud til at nyde det til fulde – tillige med forældrene ;0)

    Vejret var pragtfuldt også her – så sommeren tegner godt…..SO FARE :0)

  4. Lisa says:

    What a great week! Don’t you love going to the beach with your girls. Trips to an amusement park and the beach are what summers are made of. I want to tell you your photographs are excellent!

  5. Astrid says:

    Mellissa – Oh, you would have been welcome! 🙂

    Frøken Solhat – Ja, det er det – og vi har virkelig haft det dejligt! Nu ser vi frem til vores rigtige sommerferie, der starter sidst i juli! 😉

    Lisa – I have always loved the beach, and passing that on to the girls is just great! Thanks! 🙂

  6. Kitou says:

    bonbon land 😉
    j’adore le nom du parc
    tres belles photos
    oui faut se relaxer de temps en temps et profiter surtout l’eté!!!

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