Sewing – and why it’s not happening at the moment

For two weeks I haven’t been able to get any sewing done. The reason is simple: My otherwise wonderful baby has decided that sleeping during the day is not worth wasting time on. This is a new thing – and I have to be fair, because she sleeps all through the night. Since December, I believe we experienced one night of her waking up once. I know we can’t complain – that is just amazing!


However, I cannot sew during the nights – that would be against my 1st rule of sewing: Don’t sew or prepare fabric when you’re tired! (This is a rule that I break frequently enough – proving the rule each time!) At the moment I feel like I spend all of my waking hours feeding her, changing diapers, doing laundry – mostly hers, or playing with her. Which is fine, I guess, that is what I’m here for – my sewing will just have to wait (and this is the frustrating bit) until she’s a bit more self entertaining. Or until she decides that a nap now and then during the day would be beneficial..  😉

Yesterday, our application for prolonged leave due to Frida’s cleft palate was finally approved. This means that we will be able to take care of her at home until after the surgery (to close the opening in the roof of the mouth) that takes place when she is approximately one and a half years old. We were so happy, because this is what the doctors recommend that we do, and it means that her risk of getting infections will be much smaller than would be the case if she started in a nursery. Getting the approval has taken a while and involved an initial rejection, so this was a true relief to us.

Today, Frida and I are going to get the materials for the plastering of the house. It’s a lot, so I’m taking the trailer, and I’m just crossing my fingers that I won’t be needing to back the car with the trailer… 🙂

The girls and I will be gone for a few days – I’m taking them to visit my mother in Århus, in order to get us three out of the way while Mads is spending full days working on the house. That’ll be a good move, I think!


  1. Ulla V. says:

    Det er altid en travl periode der mens børnene er små. Jeg synes heller ikke jeg fik lavet noget kreativt overhovedet i den tid. Og min forkærlighed for at læse gik lidt fløjten…

    Jeg er glad for at høre, at i fik godkendt orlov. Det er en lettelse ikke også at skulle tænke på dèt, ved siden af Fridas operation.

    Hav nogle dejlige feriedage i Århus…

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