No more winter!

The snow has almost melted, and the weather is getting milder every day now. There is bird’s twitter in the morning and the spring flowers are beginning to show in the garden. Ronja had her last sled ride for this winter a few weeks ago – presumably – and she loved it. Now we’re looking forward to spring and summer – it is going to be nice to see more of the sun.

I’m doing ok with my running – it has been less hard starting up this time, compared to last time, when I decided to start running back in 2003. My most recent run was Sunday, and I ran together with my brother Jakob who has been visiting from Amsterdam this week. I was seriously skeptical as I haven’t been running with anyone before, but we had a really nice trip with good pace and we actually ran well together – I may even miss the possibility of running with a partner. It was a good thing that he talked me into it. 😉

Ronja is one and a half year old tomorrow, and she is developing so much at the moment. Her words are going from total Russian (which we do admire even though we don’t understand one word) to something that makes sense, and she knows a great many words now. She also combines words to little sentences and is making progress so quickly that we can hardly follow her. She is great at “helping” with the laundry – meaning of course that I need to collect it all over the house, before I can wash.

Ronja is going to Shrovetide (Fastelavn) at the nursery on Monday, and we’re still not sure what she should go as. My mother is looking for a little clown suit (a wonderful one) that she made for my brother at that age, and if she manages to find it, Ronja will probably be a clown – and a cute one too! I’ll get back with pictures.

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