The past week my running hasn’t added up to much (i.e. I haven’t been out running for a week), due to the snow and ice covered streets we have here in Herfoelge at the moment. Too bad – I’m looking forward to my next run, but I’m not breaking my legs going out too soon. It must be really practical to be able to train on the balcony like Jakob does (quote: “This weekend’s ride on the balcony was great!” … 🙂 ) – but for me that would require a treadmill, and I’m not really into those things – I like it better to feel the wind against my face and notice the places I pass on my way.
Yesterday we had the most beautiful weather and Mads, Ronja, and I went for a walk at Koege Marina. Ronja can’t walk that far before she get’s tired, and in this weather it’s even worse because she has to be wrapped up like the Michelin man. When you can hardly move, and it’s only been a few months since you learned to walk, the wrapping must be somewhat of a challenge!
If you can stand the freezing temperatures, though, you’ll get many beautiful sights at the moment, with lots of snow and a thick layer of ice covering everything. Now is probably a good time to do a little advertising for my LaCrosse boots. Mads gave them to me last Christmas and in a weather like the one we have now they are the only appropriate thing to wear!
Sniff… – I’m born in a waiting room… :-S