Something’s happening…

Blogging has given me something that I never anticipated.

I have a network of blogging women in Denmark. A network that I value ever so much. A network that always delivers a good answer to any question, a shoulder to someone who needs comfort, a caring push to someone in need of one, and a name to call for someone in need of the right contact. We share a naturalness around the internet that gives us a common feeling of endless possibilities.

And after all this is said, they’re also just really great friends!

We meet frequently, and our meetings always result in bursts of creative energy, ideas, jobs, dreams, and more still. Some of this energy is going into an e-magazine that is due to come out next week. I’m looking so much forward to seeing it – it will be in Danish (sorry you guys, who don’t understand Danish – it may still be a visual inspiration), and it will be our contribution to the Danish readers – giving something back to the internet that gave us a chest of lifelong treasures.

Can’t wait to see it!

(If you don’t know – hyben is the Danish word for Rosehip.)


  1. Di says:

    I look forward to seeing it, even if I don’t understand it! I met a blog friend in person this week when she was on holiday in Scotland from the US. The internet has opened so many doors and my eyes!

  2. Millie says:

    How very exciting! I wish there was a network like that here, or if there is, I have never found it! Wishing you and your friends the best of luck with this new and exciting venture!

  3. Astrid says:

    Di – that’s just the way it is for me. I have met with blog friends from Denmark, and even a few from other countries – it’s so great. Brings us all closer together. 🙂

    Gitte – tirsdag skulle det gå løs – jeg skriver, så snart der sker noget. 😉

    Millie – you should start one. I can’t take the honours for creating the one I’m in, but I was contacted by one of the others, because she was a reader of my blog. You should write to the ones near you that you follow and set up a date? And thanks! 🙂

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