The Forest Dress

Told you I was making a dress for Frida. Well, it’s finished, and this is it.

Forest dress for Frida

The pattern is from Alt om håndarbejdes SYmagasin, May 2011 – a Danish sewing pattern magazine, containing patterns for children as well as adults. You may be getting tired of seeing this particular linen on my blog – I have used it before for this tunic, this messenger bag, these pants and several other things. I love the colour! I’m running out of it, however, so fear not – I will need to find new colours. 🙂 The other fabric is from the designer Joel Dewberry – it’s called Majestic Oak, and is from the collection named Modern Meadow.

Forest dress for Frida - button detail

There isn’t much to say about this one – Frida loves dresses, and I made her a dress. Also, she is at an age where she still loves everything I sew for her, which is true for this dress as well.

Here she is wearing it – I absolutely couldn’t get her to look up.

Forest dress for Frida - modeled


  1. Medr1e says:

    A stunning fabric combination! I love it. The dress looked so little on the hanger, but it’s tea-length on Frida!

  2. Astrid says:

    Thank you all! 🙂 Medrie, it’s so funny you mention it, I thought too that the dimensions look different on Frida compared to on the hanger. Strange illusion… 😉 Marie-Louise, det er dejligt, at du har børn på 10, der er glade for det – jeg hører om flere, som ikke gider det mere når de bliver større. Og Ronja (min store) er ikke helt så ukritisk, som hun har været. 😉

  3. Laurel says:

    The dress is lovely. I could never get tired of the linen and I think it is wonderful that you have utilized it in so many ways. Your daughter is darling!

  4. Lena says:

    Kjolen er virkelig sød og den klæder Frida godt. Det er nemt at forstå hvorfor hun foretrækker at beundre kjolen istedet for at kigge på fotografen 🙂
    Din blog er meget inspirerende – nu skal jeg prøve at få fat i et stykke “Majestic Oak”. Har brugt det til bogomslag og kosmetik punge – men nu får jeg lyst at sy en voksenkjole med kant på lignende måde som du har brugt stoffet på Fridas kjole.

  5. Astrid says:

    Hej Lena – tusinde tak for din søde kommentar! Majestic Oak til bogomslag lyder faktisk også enormt fint – og kosmetikpunge. Nu bliver jeg da inspireret. 🙂 Der er flere steder på nettet, hvor de stadig sælger det, så du burde kunne skaffe det. Held og lykke med kjolen!

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