Rain, Rain, Rain…

It’s raining again. It’s been all day, and it probably will be again tomorrow. So I’ll just focus on last weekend – wanna take a look?

Finally warm enough...

The girls had a pool in the garden – they started out like this, and then they ended up soaked, jumping around in the water with absolutely no inhibitions.

The girls at dinner

Nelle, Frida, and Ronja at dinner in the garden. Nelle’s parents and her younger brother were there as well, and we had a real summery evening, barbecueing in the garden in the warm weather.

That’s just not possible this weekend. It’s been raining pretty much since this morning, and the guests we had over for dinner this evening just had to stay inside and imagine a summery dinner at the garden table. We had a cosy evening all the same, and Mads made some yummy lamb shanks for dinner.

Next weekend we’re going to Skåne in Sweden – my family and I have been invited by Tourism in Skåne to try out some of their offers for tourists, and of course we had to happily accept. Mads and I have taken a number of canoe trips in Sweden years ago, and we generally love the Swedish countryside, so it was an easy call to make. We will be going to Pappersbruket, and Denningarums Gård (sorry, no English version for that last one, but I hope it’s as beautiful as in the pictures – see “Bilder” in the menu on their website). I’m really looking forward to it!


Denningarums Gård Surroundings

Tomorrow, however – we will just be relaxing at home. Which is needed after a lot of running around lately – let’s hope for a bit of sunshine.


  1. Mette Marie says:

    Ja,vi vil have vejr som i sidste weekend igen! Lad os få en folkeafstemning om det. Jeg er ret sikker på udfaldet;o)

    Vi skal også til Skåne. Vi skal bo en del af tiden på First Camp i Torekorv og så vil vi finde en stuga/ødegård til lidt ekstra feriedage. Vi elsker også Sverige og råglæder os.

  2. Millie says:

    Lucky you..they look like beautiful places to stay. I hope you have a nice relaxing day today. Having such lovely weather is so great for the kids playing in the garden. Ours camped out last night!

  3. Anne Dyrholm Stange says:

    Skønne billeder af dine sommerpiger, Astrid, lad os få en masse af den slags dage med sol og tid til hygge.

    Og weekend i Sverige – heldige jer – jeg håber at i får en fantastisk tur…

  4. Astrid says:


    from one Astrid to another. Hopefully you get better weather on this weekend. Over here in germany we had some great weather from monday to thursday, but yesterday it was cold again. Have a nice weekend in Skåne.
    I will see Skåne again in august.

    Hälsningar från tyskland.

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