Making summer bibs

Frida didn’t really need anymore bibs, and I didn’t plan to make more bibs at the moment, but then I had a request from a colleague, who needed a bib to give as a gift. She had seen mine, because I have been making bibs for those of my colleagues who have small children. Of course, I would make her one, and I decided to make a few for her to choose between.

This one Frida is keeping, though – I totally fell in love with it while it was taking shape.

Baby bib

It just encaptures the feel of summer to me. The fabrics are Sandi Henderson’s Farmers Market, and the above one is from Moda. And hey, check out the gorgeous Japanese ant-ribbon!

Below you can see a couple of the others – if you want to see all the bibs I’ve made, head over to my Flickr set of Bibs.

Baby bib Baby bib


  1. Cassie says:

    Very cute. I definitely think Frida needs this for her summer wardrobe. It will be the perfect accessory to many, many outfits. 🙂

  2. lily boot says:

    what lovely bibs- I love the shape and your fabric choices are lovely. As is your summer blouse for Made by Rae – very pretty!

  3. Astrid says:

    Thanks, ladies! It was actually a lot of fun cutting fabric this time – I asked Ronja to help me pick fabrics for the bibs, and she took her role very seriously and had a very important (can you just see her raising her eye brows and being grown-up-ish) look on her face while she was helping me. Then afterwards we played jigsaw puzzle with all the different parts. Fun! 🙂

  4. Helinä says:

    I was just about to praise how wonderful and brilliant fabric combinations you have figured but it is then Ronja who can take credit from it =) ! These are so beautiful! Talented girl(s) :).

  5. Millie says:

    Astrid, these are lovely. Great choices by you and Ronja.
    What do you put on the back of the bibs?

  6. Astrid says:

    Helinä – LOL – I would say it was the perfect teamwork, but Ronja can definitely take a good part of the credit! 🙂

    Millie – thanks! On the back of the bibs I have rubber coated terry cloth, with the terry cloth facing outwards. You’ll find it in stores that sell bedding for children. 😉

  7. Cristina says:

    I like tour blog very cute bibs
    your house is coming out so cool
    I hope one day I will visit your country always love
    Cristina from Italy

  8. Rikke says:

    Ihh hvor er de fine! Jeg er også helt vild med den du beholder til Frida. Du får sparket lidt til min sy-lyst, med alle de lækre ting du laver. kram

  9. Katja says:

    Astrid….. nÃ¥r du laver de hagesmække, er der sÃ¥ bare alm. stof – eller er der noget plastik bag pÃ¥????

  10. Astrid says:

    Katja – jeg bruger de der tisseunderlag med frotté pÃ¥ den ene side og gummi pÃ¥ den anden. SÃ¥ lægger jeg det sÃ¥ gummiet er indvendigt i hagesmækken, og frottéen er pÃ¥ bagsiden. Det fungerer fint! 🙂

  11. Katja says:

    Aha….. det har jeg jo masser af. Fik 1,8 x 2 meter af nogle venner (som jeg aldrig fik brugt da Dicte aldrig har tisset i sengen om natten). SÃ¥ mÃ¥ jeg da gÃ¥ igang (selv om det jo godt kan vente lidt – det varer liiiiige et stykke tid før end Theis fÃ¥r brug for det.
    Hvor stor laver du den??? Ja ja – pumper dig lige for oplysninger 🙂

  12. Astrid says:

    Ja, det var ogsÃ¥ ca. sÃ¥dan vi havde fÃ¥et det pÃ¥ lager her. 🙂 Her kommer lige lidt mÃ¥l – men det er jo bare sÃ¥dan jeg godt kan lide dem. Der er efterhÃ¥nden nogle stykker, der har spurgt, sÃ¥ mÃ¥ske skulle man forsøge sig med en tutorial pÃ¥ et tidspunkt… 🙂

    Længden pÃ¥ mine hagesmække fra midten af “halsudskæringen” til nederste kant er ca. 26 cm. (PÃ¥ den mÃ¥de nÃ¥r de ca. halvt ind under en tallerken, som stÃ¥r pÃ¥ bordet foran – vil man gerne have at de skal fungere som fuldt tallerkenunderlag, sÃ¥ skal man nok lægge ca. 8-10 cm til i længden.) Bredden pÃ¥ det bredeste sted (f.eks. der hvor bÃ¥ndet sidder) er ca. 21 cm, og bredden øverst fra ydersiden af “spids” til ydersiden af “spids” er ca. 10 cm.

    Håber du kan bruge det! 🙂

  13. Fay says:

    Astrid, I have enjoyed your site for some time. The bibs are so nice. Luv the combinations. I read a lot of your post on the Ottobre sewing group. I am mostly a lurker, but I really do enjoy sewing and the Ottobre sewing group. Do you mind if I ask what sewing machine and what foot you use to do the binding on the bibs. They really appear to be sewn very well. I have a babylock Ellisimo and an Elvove serger. I also have an older Pfaff quilting machine. Do you make your on binding or use ready made? Thanks in advance for any advise.

    TN in USA

  14. Astrid says:

    Fay, what a sweet comment you left me! 😉 I’m considering making a tutorial for the bibs, as I’m getting a lot of questions for them – would that be useful? My sewing machine is a Pfaff 2027 (it is actually a quilting model as well), and I’m so happy with it! I just use a standard foot, though – I think it’s the one called ‘0’ or ‘1’. To me the trick with the binding is not to pin, because it causes bulk and uneven shapes. I need to be able to steer it with my hands, that way it comes out really nicely. And of course, iron it first. I have tried both – making my own bias tape and using ready made, but at the moment I like it to be whole coloured, and for that I only use ready made. Thanks again – let me know if you have more questions! 🙂

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