Can’t Believe It

When I got home from work yesterday, I went straight to bed, because I wasn’t feeling well. Thus, I didn’t get to see the sweet email with “Congratulations!” in the subject line, that Rae sent me – not until this morning. After reading her mail, I jumped straight over to her blog to find this:


It’s just incredible – my top actually won out of the hundred tops in the Spring Top Week, and there were so many beautiful ones there!

So I just want to say thank you to all you guys who voted for my top. And the same goes to you, Rae – if you are reading along; lots of thank you’s for hosting the Spring Top Week, and making it such a fun and inspirational event to participate in!

Thank you all!


  1. Ulla V. says:

    Et KÆMPE stort tillykke, Astrid og et lillebitte: hvad sagde jeg ;0))

    Hvor er det altsÃ¥ flot – men ganske fortjent, for du er virklig god til at sætte sammen, finde pÃ¥ og sy super flot.

    Rigtig god bedring til dig…

  2. Jeannet says:

    Kære astrid
    Med dine evner var jeg nu heller ikke i tvivl om at du ville placere dig i “toppen” af toppen.
    Tillykke med 1 pladsen.
    Du er altså en knag og utrolig dygtig til det med detaljer og de små nye hagesmække ser så søde ud.
    Rigtig god bedring.
    kh Jeannet

  3. Jenny says:

    Awesome!! I voted for you 🙂 Way to go! Check my blog tomorrow for a fun challenge – you’re on a winning streak!

  4. Lisa says:

    Congratulations! I voted for you too 🙂

    Love your latest trio of bibs – that linen ant tape is so cute!

  5. Kristen says:

    Yea! I’m so excited you won! (And admittedly jealous you can wear something even remotely long-sleeved this time of year). Congrats 🙂

  6. Jacqui says:

    So great!! I tried to vote but I was a day too late. You won even without my help!!

    Love the new bibs too, you have such a great eye for matching fabrics.

  7. Christina Skarø says:

    EJ HVOR FEDT ASTRID – det glæder mig virkelig.. super mange gange tillykke… man burde have lov til at se dine klæder in real life…
    Du er altsÃ¥ super dygtig… kan slet ikke fÃ¥ armene ned. Smiler stort..
    Vh C

  8. Rae says:

    Well you totally deserved it — this is probably the universe telling you that you need to make more tops for yourself!!! (:

  9. Mor(mor) says:

    TILLYKKE med det!
    Jeg har ingen problemer med at tro det – jeg synes, det var den kønneste af dem alle, og du har bestemt fortjent din pris!
    Håber, vi ser den i weekenden 🙂

  10. Mette says:

    Til lykke, Astrid. Nej, helt ærligt så synes jeg ikke, at det valg var svært. Din top var hævet over de andre. Tak for inspirationen, Astrid.

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