How To Do It All


Do you ever have those periods of time, when you just don’t seem to have time for half the stuff you want to do, and you can’t really figure out why? And what totally boggles your mind is, you cannot for the life of you understand how you normally manage?

Well, I do! I’ve been a bit absent, I know that – but I have one of those periods at the moment. So the answer is: I don’t know. How to do it all, that is. The ability to juggle many balls at one time comes and goes – and lately, I have only seen the back of it…

Still, we haven’t been doing absolutely nothing, so I’m gonna share a bit.Knuthenborg Safaripark - mosaic

A few weekends ago, we went to a place called Knuthenborg Safaripark – the weather was wonderful, and we had such a fun day. The name says it all, but it’s a huge park, where you can drive around in your car and get close to wild animals from all over the world. In some parts of the park you have to stay in your car (especially in the fenced area where the tigers can be spotted), but mostly you are allowed to get out and take a closer look. Both girls enjoyed it, and Mads and I did as well! More pictures here.

The Aarø Ferry

Last weekend was spent in Jutland with my brothers, cousins, and their families. We rented all rooms and apartments in Skillerbjerg Bed & Breakfast (totally recommended by the way – already booked it for the same weekend next year) and delegated the different meals between us. The place was big enough for us to have lots of room; it had a wonderful kitchen diner, and a living room with a pool table, darts, and plenty of soft furniture. It even had a big terrace outside with tables and chairs, but we had quite a bit of rain, so we didn’t get to use it that much.

The Ferry Trip

The place is near a tiny harbour where you can take a small ferry on a 10-minute trip to an island called Årø. I went on the ferry-trip with the girls, along with my cousin Elsebeth and her family, but we didn’t stay long because Ronja wasn’t in the mood for long walks, but we did take a walk to the little light house, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of the place – hopefully next year.

We had a perfect weekend, and having time enough to hang out with our family, talk to everyone, and have the children play was really nice.


Now it’s weekend. It’s raining with thunder and lightning, and there’s a beautiful golden light in the living room because of the setting sun and the dark clouds. I’m putting Ronja to bed in a few moments, and we don’t have plans for this weekend, which is quite nice, actually. Maybe I’ll have time for some rainy days sewing?


  1. Jeannet says:

    Kære Astrid
    Jeg ved hvordan du har det. Jeg undrer mig til tider også over hvordan alting skal gå op i en højere 4enighed.
    Men jeg synes nu også dit,jeres liv har været hektisk dette forår, med hospitalsindlæggelser og meget mere.
    Men alligevel formår du at have overskud til at sy og skrive flittigt på din skønne blog.
    Jeg tager altså hatten af for dig,

  2. Millie says:

    I think after a spell like you’ve been having,that you come back stronger than ever. So prepare yourself for a prolific weekend of sewing!
    It’s lovely to see that you’ve been meeting with family, it’s so nice to spend time with siblings and their families.I think your kids will have fond memories of these times, I know mine do. The safari park looks lovely, the weather looked great too.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Jeannine says:

    You speaka my language yes?
    Astrid you sound like a woman – a mom – a wife – a daughter – a friend. I see nothing wrong. Can you believe I just said that?
    “Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. Cherish each moment, it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.”

  4. Karin says:

    Kære Astrid.
    Husk nu at klappe dig selv på skulderen og tænke på, hvor meget du rent faktisk når 😉

  5. megan says:

    I have come to realize that you can do it all – just NOT AT ONCE! Remember that life is short and to try and enjoy every moment, but remember, it is a lifetime! Remember when you start making lists in your mind of what hasn’t been done, just keep adding that important word “yet” and then remember all the things you’ve done and are doing now!

  6. Eva says:

    Hej Astrid,
    Jeg ser din blog for første gang. Sikke en dejlig blog, du har – jeg er imponeret. Og sikke mange skønne billeder. Jeg ville lige tjekke din blog og høre, om du er glad for sutskoene fra Bellio, som du vandt på Julies blog? Jeg er agent for Bellio i DK, har netbutikken og fulgte også med i konkurrencen med alle de fantastiske forslag til vores efterårsdesign ;o) Jeg er først selv lige begyndt at blogge og har åbnet Aarrishusbloggen, hvor jeg blogger om stort og småt – en mere uformel side af Aarrishus og hjemme fra privaten. Jeg har fire børn og spørger ind imellem også mig selv, hvordan man mon skal nå det hele ;o)

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