Onion patterns Give-Away

Folks, here we go! As I told you, Maria from ShopOnion.com has donated four Onion sewing patterns including English translations of the sewing instructions to you, my dear readers! Isn’t that just sweet of her? We’re starting with the first two.

Onion sewing patterns 

These patterns are in Danish, and to avoid any misunderstanding, Danes are just as welcome to this draw as those of you who are English-speaking. However, they do come with translated sewing instructions, which I will mail to you if you win. As they are quite new, I haven’t yet been able to try them out, but I will say that Onion patterns are great for beginners as well as experienced seamstresses. They are quite simple in the layout (nothing Ottobre-ish about the pattern sheets), have easy-to-follow instructions, and are perfect for embellishments of your own choice.

Pattern #10015 includes dress, tights, and jump suit in sizes 6 – 18 months. This pattern is directly cutable – no need for tracing!

Pattern #20039 includes tunic, dress, and berber pants in sizes 2-8 years.

All you have to do to be in the draw is leave a comment on this post. There will be two winners – one for each pattern. In order for the patterns to find the right owners, please let me know if only one of the patterns is relevant to you – then I will only include you in that draw. 🙂

The give-away ends Friday 28th at 23:00 p.m. GMT+1 – I will contact you by e-mail, if you are the lucky winner. Probably not right away, though, as I will be attending an End of the Year Party at that time.  😉


  1. Sara says:

    Oh how exciting! Thanks Maria! And thanks Astrid for organizing the giveaway! I’d love to be in the draw for 20039 please.

  2. Stefanie Summerer says:

    So cool! Thanks for the chance to win and for translating them into English. I’m off to check out the Onion store.

  3. Jeannine McCloskey says:

    Its me again. I did not know how to write you personally, so I am leaving another comment. I love her shop, and I just wish I could have ordered the patterns earlier and have Karen bring them back. Thanks Astrid, I am going to try a few. Does she ship to the US? Those are some really cute patterns.

  4. Stash Empress says:

    Oh how exciting! I’ve always loved “ogling” these patterns & never had a chance to try them yet! Would love to win one!
    (Stash Empress from Ottobre list)

  5. gaileee says:

    I’d love to try the onion pattern. I’d need to have the 2 – 8 years sizing, as my toddler is 2 1/2 years old now. I’m a beginning sewer, so this will work out great.

    My mom always would say to me,
    goo dow goo dow, fin dowy dow (good day, good day, fine day to day), I believe in danish….

    gaileee at yahoo dot com or yogawithgaileee at gmail dot com


  6. Jenny says:

    Oh, these are just too cute! I’d love to enter for the Pattern #20039 (size 2-8 year). I wonder if these are sold in the US? Thanks for the fun raffle 🙂

  7. Rachel says:

    Brilliant Astrid. What a wonderful give away! Thanks to you and Maria. I’ve been wondering about the Onion patterns ever since I read about them here. I’m trying for the pattern for two year olds, Pattern # 20039!

  8. Ruth says:

    Sweet of Maria, and sweet of you! I’d love to be included in the drawing for either pattern. I love the things you’ve sewn from the Onion patterns.

  9. Katja says:

    Du ved godt at DU er skyld i at jeg pt. forsøger at finde søde kjolemønstre, så jeg ville rigtig rigtig gerne deltage i den lodtrækning :)) Og det skulle selvfølgelig være 2-6 års mønstret – der er stadigvæk lidt lang tid til min kommende baby er 6 måneder ;))
    Knus Katja

  10. Linda Rose says:

    Wow! How exciting! I’ve never tried Onion, so I hope I win so that I can try them out! Thanks for having such a great blog for us to read!

  11. Sara says:

    Gracias! How generous of you, I hope I win!!! I would love pattern #20039 as I have a little girl who is almost 4 yrs old.
    Thanks in advance and I will keep my fingers crossed SO that pattern comes all the way to MEXICO!!!

  12. Anne says:

    Super god konkurrence. Jeg vil rigtig gerne vinde mønster nr. 20039. Jeg kan allerede se, at det kan blive til en rigtig flot julekjole til min pige på 3½ år.

  13. Karin says:

    Tak for en meget inspirerende blog. Vil gerne deltage – min mindste er 1½ år nu, så det er nok kun det største mønster, jeg kan bruge.

  14. Katharina says:

    Tak for en super fed blog, med smukke kreationer, og flotte billeder til inspiration! Jeg ville elske at vinde mønsteret til de yngste – og sender gerne billeder af mine resultater 🙂

  15. Helle Nielsen says:

    Sikke da en dejlig ting. Jeg har tit beundret dine fine kreationer, men har aldrig fået taget mig sammen til at prøve selv. Dette var måske det berømte spark der skal til????.
    Jeg har en datter på 3, så jeg er på 20039-vognen.
    Mange hilsner fra Helle

  16. susanne vestergaard says:

    Åh, sikke en chance – den vil jeg da ikke lade gå fra mig… så jeg vil gerne deltage i din lille konkurrence – og jeg har jo børn i stort set alle aldre – men er nu nok mest intersseret i det “store” mønster; 20039…
    Spændende… altså!

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