Lazy days to come

When Mads came home from work today, our vacation started. Now we have three weeks at a hopefully slow pace to come – and we don’t mind the fact that the weather is marvellous once again.

Misty skirt - modeled

So this is Ronja wearing her “Misty” skirt. It fits her perfectly, although she really needs to grow a waist, allowing the skirt to sit properly at her waistline instead of below her belly.


Today has been so hot, and not long after the first picture was taken, she had fun in a small tub in the garden, cooling off in the water.

This past week I just haven’t been able to keep up with everything that has happened, and one of those things is, that I have been endowed with three awards, from three other bloggers – and I’m so grateful and honoured!

Loretta from Fitting Tips! as well as Ruth from SewChic awarded me the E for excellent-award and Novy from Little Munchkins awarded me the Brillante weblog-award.

excellentblog          brilliant

THANK YOU, girls! I’m sorry that this turns into kind of a line-up, because all three of your blogs are unique and very much worth visiting! I’m so happy that you find my blog worth coming back to – it’s an appreciation that means a lot to me!

Now, to pass these on properly would take quite a long time, so I’m not checking with the rules. But – I do have a few blogs that I would really like to mention, so here it is – the E for excellence goes to the following blogs:

Lisa on Bon Souvenir writes about her wonderful sewing, her beautiful little daughter, and her family in general, and I just love reading her well narrated blog!

Sarah on So what? Sew buttons! just seems to have a beautiful world around her. I love reading her blog because of her wonderful and very honest descriptions of surroundings, events, and her beautiful family. She is gifted in many ways!

Gock’s frocks is a blog that I discovered only recently. Kristen does the most amazing sewing, and her work is always overflowing with colour – I love it!

And finally – if you didn’t see this already – there’s CraftPudding (updated – no longer online). Magda makes the most incredible handcarved wooden stamps – and when I didn’t buy any yet from her Etsy shop, it’s only because I cannot decide which ones to get – they’re just all beautiful! Go there!

There are so many inspiring and wonderful blogs out there – the awards are a wonderful way to show your appreciation, but remember, that sometimes you only need to leave a comment to show yourself as a reader. Beyond doubt, it is always noticed and appreciated!


  1. Lisa says:

    Thank you so much for the award! That really made my day! The new skirt is so cute on Ronja. I am sure you and your family are going to have many adventures over the next few weeks. Enjoy!

  2. Yvonne says:

    I love the skirt. It looks good on her. I had a chuckle about Ronja not having a waistline…I find it cute those toddlers with the little belly 🙂

  3. Laila says:

    Hej Astrid

    Nu med alle de awards syntes jeg lige at jeg ville sige hej og fortælle dig, at jeg også læser med. Jeg nyder dine fortællinger om din familie, dine billeder og ikke mindst hele historien om jeres hus-renovering. Jeg går selv lidt i de drømme.. :o)

    Mange hilsener Laila

  4. Astrid says:

    Amy – Thank you! 🙂

    Tara – Thank you so much! 😉

    Lisa – It’s well deserved! And thanks! 🙂

    Yvonne – LOL – thanks! 🙂

    Laila – dejligt at høre fra en dansker! Og dejligt at du læser med og kan lide min blog – det er jeg rigtig glad for! Har lige været inde at kigge hos dig – du har da godt nok også billederne med dig! Hus-renoveringen er lige lidt på pause – denne gang skal vi holde rigtig ferie… 😉 Men bare rolig, der skal nok komme flere projekter! 🙂

  5. Sarah says:

    Astrid, thank you! I feel so flattered and honored. It never ceases to amaze me how we can all connect via the internet. Again, thank you!

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