Whad’Ya Know – I’ve been tagged!

Girls in the garden

Nothing much has been happening this past few days. The picture above is one that Mads took Sunday when we had the most wonderful day! When Mads returned (from his 100 km cycling trip) we did nothing but relax and play, have a nap (that’s right, all of us). We barbecued for dinner and after the children were asleep, Mads and I had a cold beer in the garden. Just a wonderfully calm day, which was also much needed!

I’m so flattered to have been tagged by Karen – a friend of mine from the Ottobre English Yahoo group (which you can read my description of here) who is a very gifted seamstress and designer! So here are my answers to the get-to-know-you-better quiz…  🙂

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was 22 years old (imagine that!) and studying musicology at The University of Århus, sharing an apartment with my very good friend Fie that I know from my time living in Paris (which is a whole different chapter).

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order):

a) Start putting together that romper for Frida, that I have cut out fabric for.
b) Pick the ripe strawberries from the garden
c) Prepare for a meeting at the nursery tomorrow about the upcoming lockout that is scheduled to start next Monday
d) Pick up Ronja from kindergarten
e) Feed Frida (this might as well be all 5 items, since it feels like I’m doing it all the time…)

3) Snacks I enjoy:

Water melons (I loooove water melons), strawberries, liquorice ice cream – this one in particular, strained yoghurt with maple syrup and fruit, chocolate… and so much else!

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Travel! I’m not sure about all the rest, but I would definitely go travelling with my family…

5) Places I have lived:

In Denmark: Århus, Brønderslev, Felsted, Ulfborg, Nyborg, Odense, Copenhagen, Dragør, Tårnby, Herfølge. Outside of Denmark I have lived in Paris, France.

6) Jobs I have had (in no particular order):

I’ll go with Karen’s “”Jobs I haven’t had” would yield a shorter answer…” Well here are some of them:
I’ve delivered newspapers, worked at restaurants, worked as a substitute teacher, worked at McDonalds, worked as a nanny, worked as a phoner, worked as an account manager, worked as a media consultant, worked at a nursery, worked at TV2, babysitted of lots and lots of babies and children, worked as a church singer, worked as a receptionist, worked at an art festival, and quite a few things more that I don’t remember at the moment.

7.) 6 Peeps I would like to know more about (in no particular order):

a) Ulla at http://lille-ursus.blogspot.com/

b) Creature of habit (sorry, I don’t know your real name) at http://habitual.wordpress.com/

c) Sarah at http://sewbuttons.wordpress.com/

d) Katja at http://dicte.lundsted.com/

e) Sarah at http://www.jinjur.com/

f) Helle at http://schwartz.typepad.com/

Well, that was that – I think!  😉


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