Tomorrow we’re really moving on to summer. And what a way to do it – May has officially been the sun-richest month in Denmark since DMI (the Danish Meteorological Institute) started measuring in 1920. The last record is from 1947 – back then it was followed by a warm, sun-rich and fairly dry summer according to DMI – so let’s hope we’ll repeat that pattern!
Today Mads left for a bachelor party early, and the girls and I had a nice, slow morning. I had made an appointment with my good friend Karen to meet up at the Open Air Museum in Kongens Lyngby with the kids, so I spent some time packing food, beverages, diapers, bottles for Frida, and all the other stuff that you need, when you’re going on an outing with two small children. The pram was in the back of the car, so the rest had to fit in elsewhere – it totally looked like we were going on vacation for a week… 😉
We met with Karen and her 6 year old daughter Rosa (her older son had made different appointments) early in the afternoon and started by finding a nice spot for having lunch. The Open Air Museum is part of the National Museum in Denmark, showing old houses, farms, and mills from the period 1650-1950. These old buildings come from all parts of Denmark and the Faroe Islands, and they’re spread out on 86 acres of land, leaving many walks to be walked in that area. It’s a place with great scenic beauty, so it’s a pleasure to go there anytime, and with weather like today, it just tops it off! It is possible to enter the houses and see how everything was arranged and furnished, and it’s great to have the children show an interest in how people lived in “the old days”. Basically it’s just great fun for children as well as adults!
Around 6:30 p.m. I arrived at home with two sleeping girls in the back. It didn’t take long before they were both sound asleep in their beds, and even if Ronja did get up a few times, I’ve been having a nice evening to myself.
After unpacking, I took a walk in the garden, and I just have to show you what I found:
My first blooming peony! This morning it was still just a bud, but I’m sure the sun helped it well on the way!
Tomorrow Mads will be home sometime in the afternoon. The weather is supposed to be just as good as it has been today, so another day in the garden coming up! 🙂
What a rich color your peony is-I love it! most of ours are open now, great big floppy heads that bend more and more with every bit of rain. I got my gingham binding and am going to use it this weekend!
Astrid – it sounds like a perfect day!
Kom forbi via din kommentar hos Liselotte.
Må jeg spørge hvilket kamera du har skudt din bonderose med? Vidunderligt foto med en meget smuk skarphed! Ha en skøn dag;-)
Sarah – I have quite a few different peonies, but this is still the only one that is open. I love the colour too!
Karen – it was! 🙂
Anja ligenu – velkommen til da! Billedet (og alle de andre) er taget med et Panasonic DMC-FZ8, som jeg er meget glad for! Tusinde tak for kommentaren – jeg har lige sat dig på min RSS-reader, så jeg kan kigge forbi så snart jeg har et øjeblik!
Tak Astrid. Jeg er på udkig efter et kamera og det er derfor jeg spørger;-)
Du er altid velkommen på bloggen:-) Jeg vil kigge mere på dine fotos fremover.
Vi elsker også at tage afsted på ture til steder hvor fortiden kan udforskes og opleves. Tankevækkende og lærerigt er det og børnene finder det vældig spændende.
Oppakning skal der til – specielt med små børn….men når vi drager til Livø på weekend i telt hver sommer, ser det også ud som om vi skal være borte i flere uger.
Jeres udflugt ser ualmindelig hyggelig ud. Vores børn elsker at komme på vikinge- eller middelaldermarked…. atmosfæren er helt speciel når der er levenedgørelse – selv drømmer jeg om at leve som “dengang” – bare en uge ;0)
Skønt med pæoner… dem kan man ikke få nok af ;0)