I had to take a picture of this earlier – our Japanese Cherry has started to blossom! And understandably so, since the weather has been amazing the past few days. If it keeps up the pace it’ll be summer within a week!
One of the great benefits of having – and knowing how to use – a sewing machine is that you can mend stuff that has been torn or worn – or just alter things that you’d like different. Yesterday was mending day. I had gathered a pile of stuff that needed fixing and I got to the bottom of it. Well – almost, anyway. Had a problem sewing in denim (most likely because of a wrong needle), so I’ll have to do that some other time. One of the things in my pile was some new bedding that I bought for Ronja at IKEA. Their measurements don’t fit the Danish duvets and pillows, so it needed a bit of altering, which went so easily with my new serger – love that thing!
Today I came home from my mothers group to find a big white envelope in my mailbox – the latest issue of Ottobre. I really like this issue – there are some quite beautiful summer outfits that I want to make, and this evening I traced three of the patterns. It’s a bit hard to find the time these days, since Frida isn’t all that self entertaining, but I guess if I take it a bit at the time, I’ll finish a project sooner or later.
Saturday we’re having our house sandblasted as a preparation for the plaster treatment the walls are going to have. We’re expecting quite a mess, and definitely a lot of noise, so we have prepared the neighbours in the area we’re expecting it to affect. The girls and I are leaving the house, since loud noise is typically not that big a hit with babies – and definitely not with Ronja. I can’t wait to see the house when they’re finished – though I could do without the sight of what it does to the garden. However – we’ll have to deal with it, because now that we’re finally getting the house renovated on the outside, we are both really excited about it!
Vores nabo har også et japansk kirsebærtræ i en mini udgave. Blomsterne er virkelig det smukkeste syn! Jeg tror vi skal have et til vores egen have ;0)
At opdage Ottobre i postkassen er altid skønt. Jeg synes også, at der er rigtig mange gode modeller i denne udgave. Jeg skal sy bukser til Emil – dejligt at han brød sig om modellen (lysebrune stumpebukser)
Det er en ordentlig omgang at få sit hus sandblæst, men i vil sikkert blive glade for resultatet. Vores hus er også pudset og malet efterfølgende og det nyder vi…
Hav en god – og forhåbentlig varm – søndag!
Ulla :0)
Tak – vi havde en rigtig dejlig søndag – hvor er det dog bare fantastisk vejr for tiden. Det er simpelthen så opløftende!
Ja, det er en ordentlig omgang – men samtidig tror jeg, at vores projekt-proportioner har ændret sig en del, efter at vi har revet førstesalen ned og bygget den op igen. Så det her er sådan set ok – samtidig med at vi glæder os HELT vildt til at få huset pudset op. Det har vi villet siden vi flyttede ind for 4 år siden.