I thought I’d tell you – we now have an appointment at the throat specialists, and it’s scheduled for Wednesday next week. We have been asked to practice using a nasal spray for Frida before the appointment, because that is how she will be anaesthetized, before having a small camera run in through her nose. We got a nasal spray with saltwater at the pharmacy, and it came as quite a positive surprise to me that she actually thinks it’s fun to use it – really! Who would have thought? 🙂
Her birthday is coming up soon, and this year she will be celebrating her birthday during a weekend, with her friends from the child care, but without the nursery nurses or the parents (besides us) there. She is looking SO much forward to it, and she handed out invitations today – I wanted to show you, because quite frankly, I had a lot of fun making them.
I googled birthday invitations to find inspiration, and I came across these lollipop birthday invitations.
I thought they were really sweet, and so I was on it. This is the result:
Made with cardboard, paper, ribbon, rhinestone, glue stick, and glue gun. The text is made in Word and printed on our ordinary printer.
Now, let’s just hope that all the little girls can attend. 🙂
they are beautiful invitations! I shall show my fourteen year old – she’s having a studio ghibli birthday party this year and I know she’ll want to make lollipop invitations. I hope the appointment goes well next Wednesday – who would have thought the saltwater nasal spray would be a hit! Same fourteen year old loathes it when I make her use it when she has a cold 🙂
So adorable!
I hope they all have a blast!
lily boot – thank you! I actually had to google Studio Ghibli to understand what you meant, and then I saw Ponyo in my image search, and I got it. (Looooove Ponyo!) I hated using a nasal spray when I was a kid, so you can imagine my surprise… So glad that’s an easy bit.
Hannah – thanks! 🙂
Hej Astrid, Her kommer en kommentar på dansk/skandinavisk – det er hurtigere end at skrive på engelsk (for mig). Tak for at du deler dine tanker omkring Frida og den støtte/behandling hun har brug for. Jeg begyndte at følge din blog for et par år siden fordi du var i juryen for “The spring Top” hos “Made by Rae”. Astrid lyder jo ret skandinavisk – så jeg blev nysgerrig på at finde ud af om du var dansk,svensk eller norsk.
Jeg er meget ældre en du (og jeg glæder mig til at jeg skal være MORMOR til februar næste år), alligevel synes jeg din blog giver mig meget. Du afprøver de forskellige tutorials du finder og omvandler dem til smukke genstande. Der er en eller anden aura af ro i det du laver som jeg kan lide. Jeg forstår at Frida har brug for den behandlig hun skal igennem og jeg håber den bliver så nem som muligt for hende – og for dig.
Wow, they are very nice. Id love to receive an invite like that – it shows that youre caring and have used a lot of time making it special.