End Of Season Dance

This weekend, it was time for Frida’s End Of Season Dance. The little ones don’t have to wear anything special, but most of the girls wear a nice dress, and Frida and I decided together that it would be a good day to get out the bridesmaid dress once again.

The end of season dance is quite an event. Loads of children, parents, grand parents, and costumes all over the place. The air is tense with expectations, and there may just be more cameras present, than there is children. I’m personally not quite sure what I think about it – I love the dancing, music, energy, and joy, but I’m not crazy about some of the things that come with it. 9 year-olds that know more about how to look cool, and put on the right make up than I do. Or is it their mothers? And young women with so much make up on, such glossy hair, and such a fixed smile, you have to ask yourself if that’s the right way to show your joy for dancing.

However, this particular dancing school does amazing work with the little ones – their teacher has just the right balance between authority and warmth, and she never ever seems to run out of energy with the children. She is actually also the one that taught Mads and myself to dance our first dance at our wedding. She’s good! And whether I like the game or not, the children love dancing, and Frida was a joy to watch. (As usually, I’m biased…)

End of season dance 2012

End of season dance 2012

End of season dance 2012

End of season dance 2012

End of season dance 2012

Strawberry Shortcake Dance

This last shot is from their Strawberry Shortcake-dance (Jordbær Marie for de danske læsere) – Frida is the little one in the front.


  1. Medr1e says:

    She is so sweet! She looks so happy and confident. And in at least two of those pictures, I think she might be levitating.

  2. Hannah says:

    I rarely comment anywhere, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m consistently in awe of your mothering skills and very genuine thoughts on parenting as you’re raising your children. I like your blog and am thankful you share.

    Your daughters are beautiful and are very lucky to be members in your family.

    Just thought you should know someone is impressed! for what it’s worth!

    Have a great day.

  3. Astrid says:

    Medrie – thank you! I noticed the same thing about her feet not touching the ground much while I was going through the pictures. Maybe she can fly? 🙂

    Hannah – you are really sweet. It’s wonderful to know that my thoughts on everything means something to others. You are very welcome back! 😉

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