Only So Many Hours a Day…

Warning: This will be a long post – but don’t worry, it will be pictures mostly. 🙂

When you look at my blog, it does indeed look like nothing much is happening. However, going through my recent calendar, and my recent pictures you would be getting an entirely different impression. I was just checking to see what should be included in a much needed update, and from that, I can totally see why I haven’t had time for blogging.

I miss my blog, my blog reading, and all of you guys out there (if anyone’s left), let me just say that first. However, these past few months work has been terribly busy and quite energy comsuming, which is good because I love what I’m doing – it just takes a few sacrifices. And as if business at work wasn’t enough, we also took on a project in our family – more about that further down.

I’ll give you a picture wrap up – so let’s see what we’ve been doing the last few months.

So – briefly:

Mallorca in July



Canoe trip to lake Immeln in Sweden in July

In the canoe

Ronja starting school in August

Feeling confident

Ready to learn

Ronja’s 6 years birthday in August

The class is visiting for Ronja's birthday

I made these adorable goodie bags from Minimega’s template (unfortunately not available anymore) for the occasion when the class was visiting – just had to show you!

Homemade goodie bags

And now in this look-back we’re approaching September, and of course, in our family we just always need 2-300 things keeping us busy, so we started looking for a sail boat (this is the project I mentioned at the beginning). Our new love will be a separate post (or several, of course), now that I hope I will keep up the posts just a little more than I have the past 3-4 months.

We spent all of our spare time for a month driving around the country (and southern Sweden as well), dragging the children onto all kinds of sail boats that were more or less fit for a family of 4 – in all kinds of weather. Which is a lie, actually, ’cause it was raining almost all the time. We finally found the boat model Shipman 28, which is a good Swedish design by Olle Enderlein from 1969. It seems to live up to the things we were looking for in a sail boat, that is meant to host future summer vacations, and numerous sails during the sailing season – within the price limit we were willing to spend. So check this out:

Still water

A young captain

First trip in the boat

A look back

We named the boat ANNA after my amazing grandmother who died 4 years ago. She was a woman who radiated warmth, wit, interest, and just a presence that anyone around her felt and was struck by – she always had a strong ability to gather the family. So those are the qualities we humbly want our new love to possess – or perhaps rather the name stands for a lot of positive things that we want to carry with us when we are sailing and spending time on the boat.


We have spent quite a few weekends with her by now, and we all love it. The girls are getting used to saling step-by-step, and we cannot wait to spend a summer vacation with Anna.

On to the next thing:

Where to start

Frida’s 3 years birthday in September

Frida Butterfly

All these things have put quite a strain on the calendar, and remember, this is without the stuff that has been going on in our work lives, which at least in my case has been quite a bit. And did I mention we started renovating the bedroom?

This post reflects very much my need to do a wrap-up before I can move on to the next blogpost. It may seem like nothing, but this is just not really what you want to be doing when you have a blog – you want to write whatever enters your mind at the moment, right? Not much crafty stuff here, and the time-issue is in part an explanation for that, but I have been doing minor things. I’ll let you know more soon. 🙂


  1. Millie says:

    Lovely to hear about all you’ve been doing. I’m sure you’ll have very enjoyable times with your new love Anna. Good luck with the renovations..we finally got our bedroom plastered. Your girls are getting so grown up and are so lovely. My daughter asked why there were Danish flags on the goodie bags! She’s been learning all about Denmark in school.

  2. M says:

    Astrid, du er i live:o) :o) :o) Godt at læse nyt om dig og dine:o) Og dejlige billeder:o) Håber vi ses i Ølstykke… KH M

  3. Marie-Louise says:

    Hold da op i har haft mange skønne ting igang. Det lyder som en fantastisk sommer og efterår. Det lyder spændende med jeres bådkøb. Jeg ville ønske at jeg var søstærk, men jeg bliver søsyg bare jeg ser en kop vand;-)

  4. Jane says:

    Hi Astrid I’ve only just found your blog so it’s just so delightful to read a roundup of what you and your sweet family have been doing lately. Your daughters are so adorable! And having a boat must be glorious. Ah, the thing of my dreams! Your blog is so pretty. Feel free to stop by my blog and say hi to me in faraway Australia if you get a chance! J x

  5. Astrid says:

    Di – Thanks – we did have a wonderful summer, but I cannot wait to spend my next summer vacation on the boat! You enjoy the autumn colours as well! 🙂

    Millie – Thanks for your sweet comment! I know, you told me about your daughter learning about Denmark! I remember Denmark was the subject of a Goodmorning America show a few years ago, it’s always interesting to learn how Denmark is portrayed in different cultures. If there’s anything I can do to help your daughter, I would be glad to! 😉 The renovation in the bedroom is one that I have seriously been looking forward to – Mads said, that he needs to be able to sleep in there, otherwise I can do with the room largely what I want. Can you say “sewing space”? 😀

    M – lige akkurat! 😉 Ja, jeg er dælme ikke så aktiv i blogosfæren, som jeg gerne ville være, men jeg bliver altså nødt til at være det lidt mere, for jeg savner det hele! Og du kan tro, vi ses i Ølstykke! 🙂

    Marie-Louise – på en eller anden måde får vi altid fyldt kalenderen op til bristepunktet. Og har vi en ledig dag, så finder vi da bare på et nyt projekt – vi er godt nok gode til det – på godt og ondt. 😉 Tak for din søde kommentar – undgå endelig kopper med vand – og hvor ER det et smukt tæppe, du har syet! 🙂

    Jane – You are so sweet, thanks a bunch! 🙂 The boat has been in our dreams as well, but this year the dream really took shape, and we decided to act on it. I’ll be stopping by your place in the blogosphere! 😉

  6. Jeannine McCloskey says:

    It looks like you are enjoying your life and your family. You all look happy and healthy. BTW, Happy Birthday to you and Frida. She has grown up so much. She is so beautiful.
    Love your boat. Totally jealous. ENJOY!
    Good to hear from you.

  7. Mor says:

    Dejligt at se dig aktiv på bloggen igen – selvom jeg selvfølgelig også følger med otherwise.
    Fine, fine billeder! Jeres er SÅ meget medre end mine.
    En lille korrektion med stor betydning (bl.a for min 60-års fødselsdag): Mormor døde 14. sept. 2006 – altså for fire år siden…

  8. rikki says:

    Welcome back, I have missed you. I, of cours, always worry, but I am so happy to see you all thriving and looking so happy!

  9. suzy says:

    It’s good to read your news! The boat looks fantastic, I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures on it in the future. And I love Frida’s cake 🙂

  10. Astrid says:

    Jeannine – thanks for your comment! I have been following your wonderful pictures and creations, and your beautiful children are getting big as well! 🙂

    Mor – tak! 🙂 Fejlen er rettet – det var en hukommelsesbrist, der handlede om, hvor gammel Ronja var på det tidspunkt.

    rikki – Thanks, you are sweet! Don’t worry, we’re busy, and we want it all – only problem is it’s difficult to fit in the calendar. But things are good. 😉

    Suzy – girl, what are you doing here! 😀 Congratulations!!! What a beautiful little girl you brought home with you, and Milla is a wonderful name! (As for the cake – you made something similar didn’t you? Except you’re better at it, I’m afraid. I made one a lot like it when Frida was 2, but I did better on that one…) Again – congrats to you and your family!

  11. Jen says:

    So good to see that you’ve had so many wonderful things going on – a good reason not to blog. The pictures of the boat make me want to go sailing now – it looks like the girls really enjoy it and it’s so cute to see Frida sitting there in her wet-weather gear! Like many others, I think the cake looks delicious and it made me hungry just looking at it. And least I forget – Mallorca looks beautiful.

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