Head Above Water

Let me see… Now where do I click in order to create a new post – ok, found it.

Hi guys – long time no see. I want to start out by saying thank you SO much for the concern in shape of comments, as well as emails and messages on Facebook and Flickr. Don’t ever think you can just wander off in the blogosphere and disappear – no siree! I’ve missed you all, but I had to take a break, due to – busy life, I guess. No blogging as you know (not even blogreading), no sewing, and the camera has been taking a bit of a vacation.

Where were we? Oh yes, the kitchen arrived and was installed. The pictures below give an impression of what it all looks like now, if you want to see more, go here.

Kitchen pix - almost there

Kitchen pix - the kitchen sink

Kitchen pix - towards the living room

We are missing a few details, but we love the kitchen, and we so enjoy using it. The finishing touches will be there when we feel like it. The pictures were taken on a sunny day in December, and they don’t even quite show the kitchen the way it looks now, because some wall cupboards are missing, but I’ll show you sooner or later.

But so many other things happened during November and December, and I’ll just leave the very short version here – wouldn’t know where to start otherwise. In November they had mass lay offs at Mads’ work, which happily he avoided. Frida’s hearing kept getting worse, followed closely by her speech, which caused her to have new ear tubes inserted in December – it’s all much better now. My father passed away late November, which kept me busy emotionally and led to lots of thoughts. We all went to funeral in December, and in spite of the occasion we had a nice day with the family. And then of course winter colds, flus and the likes to top it all off. Just before Christmas Frida had the chickenpox, followed closely by Ronja on the morning of New Years Eve.

Frida and Mom

We have had our share to deal with over the last couple of months, but during the Christmas break we have done nothing but relax. Nothing! Stayed at home, gone for walks, watched movies with the girls, had friends over for dinner, spent an afternoon at Tivoli’s Christmas Market as we do every year. It has been great, and we could’ve easily spent another month like that.

Out finding a Christmas tree

That’s pretty much it for now – but I won’t be gone long this time. Finally I just want to show you the beautiful picture of Ronja walking in a Lucia parade in the day care – even though it has been a while. 🙂



  1. Di says:

    Welcome back, gosh, it does seem you’ve had your share of troubles sorry. I hope 2010 progresses well.

    The new kitchen looks great!

  2. Ulla V. says:

    Først og fremmest er det dejligt at have dig tilbage – jeg har tænkt på dig. Men hvor er jeg ked af at læse, at du har mistet din far.

    Jeg håber, at du har det nogenlunde og har lutter gode og omsorgsfulde mennesker omkring dig.

    Mange hilsner

  3. suzy says:

    Welcome back! We missed you.

    Sorry to hear that the end of 2009 was so stressful – I hope that 2010 is kind to you.

    The kitchen looks wonderful.


  4. Tepary says:

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss and wish you continued strength and peace.

    I am pleased to see you back posting. Yet another who missed seeing you around, but quite understand. The picture of Ronja is stellar. Best for 2010.

  5. Millie says:

    So glad you’re back. Happy New year to you all.
    I’m so sorry to hear about your Father. I’m sure your mind is all-a-muddle at times.
    Take care. Enjoy the new kitchen, it’s beautiful.

  6. Annette says:

    Dejligt, at du er tilbage!! Jeg har ventet på at høre fra dig :o)
    Men det gør mig ondt, at du har mistet din far. Sender de bedste ønsker for jer alle!

  7. Ria says:

    Hi Astrid,
    My sencere condolences. I don’t know how much your father ment to you and whether you had a good relationship with him, but anyway, it’s sad to hear. His death also marks another ending for you, not being his daughter anymore. I hope you hang on there.
    And it’s good to hear from you again. With your little angles.

  8. Ria says:

    Well, what I meant is that you lose such an important relationship. Off course you’ll always stay a daughter. But you can’t live it with him anymore.

  9. Its_Lily says:

    Welcome back – I was wondering about you. Goodness, you’ve had your share of it haven’t you? I hope you new year brings nothing but blessings in your lives.

  10. Jeannet says:

    Hej Astrid
    Nej hvor er det dejligt at høre fra dig. Har virkelig tænkt på dig.
    Kondulerer for din far. Det er ikke sjovt at miste sine forældre.
    Men jeg kan godt se at med nyt køkken og alt det andet om ørene har det nok været meget klogt at trække stikket ud for en tid.
    Håber at vi ser/ høre mere til dig i 2010.
    Sender dig de bedste ønsker for 2010.
    Kærligst Jeannet

  11. Lynn says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.

    The kitchen looks amazing – any chance you can tell me where you got the step stool?

    I really enjoy your blog:)

  12. Isobel says:

    I’m glad you’re back – I’m so sorry to hear of all your recent challenges. The kitchen looks great, though!

    All the best for 2010!


  13. Marina says:

    Hvor er det godt at høre fra dig. Jeg har savnet dig og også været rigtigt bekymret for om livet behandlede dig ordentligt. På den korte version af dine sidste måneder kan jeg høre at du har haft mere end rigeligt om ørene og du må have brug for ro til at samle dig efter din fars død. Jeg håber og tror at de kærlige mennesker i din familie passer på dig og sender masser af kærlige tanker.

  14. CreatureofHabit says:

    2009 was a roller coaster ride…. I’m sorry to hear of your Father’s passing, my heart is so heavy hearing about it. And I hope little Frida’s ears are okay!

    Your kitchen is lovely, the counters are gorgeous!

  15. Karina says:

    Tillykke med det nye flotte køkken. Virkelig flot stil og dejligt med det åbne. Og så må jeg kommentere Lucia-fotoet. Jeg fik helt tårer i øjnene. Hvor er hun sød – og hvor er det et fantastisk billede! Min yngste, Adam på 5, gik også Lucia i år – med flyverdragt under “lagnet” – han var så stolt, men jeg fik desværre ingen gode billeder ud af det. Oplevelsen husker jeg dog! 🙂
    God vind i 2010. Jeg nyder at læse dine ord.

  16. Astrid says:

    Guys, I don’t know what to say! I’m so happy to read your comments – thank you so much for all your support and your compliments on our kitchen! 😉

    Ulla – særlig dejligt også at høre fra dig. Jeg har det godt, og har virkelig nydt at slappe af med familien i juleferien. Nu skal jeg bare til at sy lidt, så går det altsammen!

    Suzy – thank you so much!

    Tepary – Thank you! I expect to be around more in the time to come! 🙂

    Mara – Thanks! The counter top is oak wood from IKEA (check it out here – choose oak).

    Medrie – thank you – definitely looking forward to be checking out your creations again (and have you seen the new Ottobre – looks like a great issue to me)!

    Millie – even when I’m not saying anything, I am looking in on your Flickr-stream. Hope you’re all doing good! 🙂

    Ria – you’re completely right – relationships with parents are rarely uncomplicated. Thank you so much for your thought – I do know what you mean! 😉

    Annette – tak skal du have – det varmer!

    Its_Lily – thanks – I could definitely do with a few less eventful months! 🙂

    Jeannet – tusinde tak! Der skal nok komme mere herfra – jeg har lige fået syet en taske færdig, så hvis der kommer lidt mere lys i morgen, end der er når jeg kommer hjem fra arbejde, så lander den på bloggen i løbet af weekenden. 😉

    Lynn – the step stool is from IKEA as well – you can just get everything there, right? 😉 Look here – I treated it with lye and varnish, and it’s still really nice, though it’s quite a few years old now.

    Isobel – thank you! 🙂

    Marina – dejligt at se dig her – tak for den søde hilsen!

    Amy – It was, wasn’t it. Great to hear from you again – I’ll stop by soon! 😉

    Karina – LOL, ja, Ronja var også på flyverdragt-vognen, men det var en anden dag, hvor de gik på Køge torv. Tusinde tak for din søde hilsen!

  17. Natalie says:

    It is wonderful to see you back! Your kitchen is amazing! I bet it is a treat to cook in it! That is one gorgeous picture of Ronja and I am so glad sweet Frida is doing better now. I am SO sorry you lost your father. We just found out my dad has cancer. Why can’t parents stick around forever huh? I’m so happy you had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas time.

  18. dana says:

    Your kitchen looks gorgeous! GREAT work! And I feel like you….so many touches to still do. We need a backsplash and well, lots of other little things too. But all over time.

    And that photo of Ronja is just sweet. Gives me chills actually. She’s beautiful.

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