Blue Monday

Actually, today has been more of a greyish Monday. It has been raining all day, but my mood really hasn’t been affected by it.


I had a wonderful weekend. Saturday, I met up with a bunch of open, creative, strong, sensitive, wise, funny, inventive, remarkable women. The day contained humour as well as seriousness and many good talks – it was a bloggers meetup, and though it took place a two hour drive away from here, it was definitely worth the trip, and it left me with a feeling of having connected to a bunch of wonderful women outside my usual circles. Thanks, girls – and Yay for blogging – did I say that before?

Sunday was all about kitchen (I’ll get back to that) and kids – and visiting good friends in the late afternoon.


So back to the blue Monday. I was tagged by Annette in a colour game, and I wasn’t sure whether I would find the time, because as you all know, time is a luxury around here at the moment. However, I started looking for light blue items in my home, when I wasn’t thinking about it, and finally I couldn’t resist getting out the camera.

Light blue

I thought it would be difficult to find light blue around here, but while there may not be many totally light blue items, it’s still a colour that pops out here and there.


Like in the new issue of Ottobre, which arrived a few days ago – such a gorgeous girls tunic pattern in there, by the way!


There is one among Frida’s crayons…


In this painting by Ronja, a sweet girl has light blue arms – or is that wings?


And this blue wire will help spread atmosphere in our kitchen to be – they’re coming out of the walls everywhere.

I managed to find light blue – so I’m sending on the challenge:

Marina, Amy, and Lisbeth – would you play along and find 7 green items in your homes? 😉


  1. Annette says:

    Ja, man bliver bidt af den lille leg ;o)
    Fine, fine blÃ¥ ting – der alle siger noget om jeres liv lige nu…
    Jeg er meget vild med jeres vase :o)

  2. Ria says:

    Nice to see something Dutch. In the place where I used to live we had that kind of a mill, but it broke down years and years ago. And I just saw your photos on Flickr. It seems like the kichen is coming together fine. What a huge project, almost like rebuilding a whole home! Mats sure is a good craftsman. So thorougly!

  3. Christina Skarø says:

    De dage kan vi alle have.. Astrid – det var skønt at hilse pÃ¥ dig i lørdags.. jeg nød det virkelig i fulde drag… sikke dejlige piger du har.. og lille Frida – hun er sÃ¥ tillidsfuld 🙂

    Stort knus på en tirsdag fra C

  4. Shinobu says:

    This bloggers meetup is very exciting event!!
    Ronja and Frida are so cute girls.
    Anyway,I bought Ikea’s mini kitchen for my daughters since I watched in your blog.My daughters is so happy!Thank you for introducing this item!

  5. Rosanna says:

    Hvor er det sjovt, jeg er også blevet tagged til at finde 7 lyseblå ting, og gisp, hvor er det faktisk svært.
    du har dog godt nok fundet nogle skønne fine blå ting!
    ps… jeres blogge-møde lyder rigtigt godt og drønhyggeligt, GODT du tog afsted ;O)

  6. Astrid says:

    Everybody – thank you so much for your sweet comments. I’m trying to slowly get in to the blogging again in spite of the time issues – your words are really encouraging! 🙂

    Christina – helt og aldeles i lige mÃ¥de! Vi skal nok finde et tidspunkt at ses, nÃ¥r jeg kommer pÃ¥ dine kanter! Knus tilbage! 😉

    Shinobu – I wasn’t even thinking about it, but now I just mentioned in my most recent post, that we just ordered our real kitchen at IKEA as well. So go buy, girl! 🙂 No seriously – I’m glad I pointed you in the right direction – Frida loves her kitchen as well! 🙂

    Anne Dorte – Det var en superskøn ting, og jeg ved faktisk ikke, hvordan det kom i stand. Jeg blev inviteret af Trine, som var værtinde for arrangementet, og det ville jeg bare rigtig gerne med til! 🙂

    Rosanna – jeg har kigget pÃ¥ din dejlige blÃ¥ post. Du har ret – der er ikke meget af det, men der hvor farven er, der er den faktisk rigtig vigtig. Det var lige det jeg lærte af at lede efter lyseblÃ¥… 😉

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