Running off

 I’ve started running again. One week ago, Mads suddenly wanted to go running, two days later he bought running shoes, and presently, I do believe he has read all information available on running on the internet. Very Mads’ish.

Images from my running route 

It got me started – I’m supposed to be the runner of this family! I haven’t been for a while, but I used to run quite a bit. I like the fact that running is something you can do whenever, wherever – all you need is the shoes. Well – that’s not entirely true – you also need to do it, which is the tough part – and I should tell you right away, I’m not a natural. So anyway – Mads started, and I didn’t want to be left behind, so I went and bought myself a pair of new running shoes as well. I can definitely recommend Run4All in Køge, by the way – terrific service, and the guy who runs it seems to know what he’s talking about.

Images from my running route 

I have been out twice so far – taking a route of 5.6 km (3.5 miles) that leads me through a forest near here, and on to a village surrounded by fields on the way back. It has actually been going surprisingly well. I’m not a fast runner, but I feel quite good running, and it doesn’t hurt noticeably anywhere – big difference from the last time I picked up running. I like enjoying the surroundings while I run, and though it would be wrong to say that it’s entirely a pleasure, I think in the long run (got that?), I’ll enjoy it.

Images from my running route 

One thing I enjoy for certain is the feeling I have when I come home from a run. A wonderful feeling of tiredness and good conscience. I’ll keep going to the gym once a week, so I’ll probably have time to go running twice a week – I’d be perfectly happy with that!

(All pictures in this post are from my route.)


  1. Creature of Habit says:

    Oooh! Please keep posting pix from your runs! They are beautiful and so inspiring!

    I was once, a long long time ago, a serious runner. Now, I honestly don’t think I could run to me car without stopping…lol…..This will inspire me (although, where you live is infinitely more beautiful).

  2. Lisa says:

    Astrid, If I could exercise in that environment I would do it everyday. I can only imagine how a run there must really be an experience in nature.
    Enjoy the exercise, and time to yourself.

  3. Paul says:

    I’ve been thinking about getting back into running, as I used to do several 5Ks a summer. It’s been over 2 years since I did one, and I’m sure I’m going to have to start over at 1/2 a mile when I do get going. I just don’t have any time! I’ve sort of made a plan to start by the end of the year. We’ll see how that works out. Best of luck! I only wish my running path was so pretty.

  4. Ulla V. says:

    Sikke en smuk rute du har på din løbetur. Sådanne omgivelser kan være meget motiverende, synes jeg…
    Jeg kørte rigtig meget på rulleskøjter før jeg var ude for et trafikuheld.

    Så nu savner jeg virkelig følelsen af at give sig helt hen, og være dejlig træt efter træning.

  5. Astrid says:

    Amy – LOL – thank you! As I told you, I’m SO not a natural, so if I can do it – you can! 🙂

    Lisa – Thank you, I will!

    Paul – It sounds to me like you’re well on your way. I really know about not having the time, so I run in the evening after the children are put to bed. I kind of like the evening silence when I run, so that’s fine with me. Try getting out a map and making a 5K route in every possible direction. I’ll bet you, you can find something beautiful to run to! 🙂

    Yvonne – thanks – an Thank You so much! That is so kind of you and I am honoured! I’ll do my best to live up to it!

    Ulla V. – ja, omgivelserne betyder meget for, hvor meget lyst man har til at komme afsted. Og trætheden og det varme brusebad bagefter er en dejlig del af grunden til at komme afsted! 😉 Jeg løb også meget på rulleskøjter, dengang jeg boede i Århus – turen gik rundt om Brabrand-søen. Jeg er ked af at høre, at du ikke har den mulighed længere – håber du har fundet noget andet, der giver dig lidt af det samme.

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