The sun is shining, it’s 8 degrees celsius in the garden, and the signs of spring are more than welcome.
The girls are playing outside, and I’m about to clear the table after lunch.
Everything is quite peaceful here, except for the occasional fight between the girls, and tomorrow Mads is returning from a business trip to Norway.
Maybe I should sew a little…
…and mini-blog a little. Is this the new house style with shorter posts? 🙂
Nice to see you here!
Hello! Happy 2012 and Happy Spring!
Oh Astrid! What a delightful surprise to see your post pop up in my Google Reader again. Do fill us in on what’s been happening in your pretty spot in the world! J x
Jakob – mini-blogging will have to be at least part of my new style, if I am to find the time for it. 🙂
Ladies – thank you so much!! I can’t believe you are kind enought to stop by still – I am trying to find the time for a bit of blogging again! 😉