Not A Cloud In The Sky

Autumn in the garden

That’s the weather we have been having today.

diflucan tablets

Mads and the girls woke me up with a birthday song – they had flowers for me, and they had prepared breakfast. Ronja gave me a beautiful drawing of me wearing a gorgeous, and very colourful dress.

34… wow.

Mads took the day off in order to work on the kitchen, and he had come a long way when I returned home from work. I love seeing the progress he’s making at the moment!

Flowers for my birthday

This evening we all walked to a nearby restaurant – the girls were a bit tired, but we still had a very nice time. Now I just finished a sewing project, and before long it’ll be bedtime.

What a wonderful day!


  1. Jenny Yarbrough says:

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful day. 34 is not so bad, life just gets better and better when you have a family who loves you.

  2. Kelli says:

    Tillykke! Sounds like you had the perfect day!!! And if your weather was anything like we are having in Herning, it really was the perfect day!

  3. Ulla V. says:

    Sikke en smuk dag at fylde Ã¥r pÃ¥. Et hjerteligt tillykke til dig, kære Astrid. :)) Jeg hÃ¥ber, at du og din familie har det rigtig godt…

  4. Ria says:

    Hi Astrid,
    I like to read you had such a good day. Hope the house and kitchen are coming together. (Saw the pictures on Flickr, what a tremendous lot of work!). Miss your stories, hope to hear more of you soon.

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