For you, my readers

A little while ago, I had a very nice comment from Tracy over at, telling me that she had a little something for me and my readers. The reason was that I have mentioned them on my blog, which is true – I have several times, because I have bought lots of fabric there.

Therefore, if you’re going fabric shopping soon, they are offering a $5 discount when you are using the code blogastrid – the coupon is valid for one week. I think that’s pretty nice of them! It’s a one time only coupon, and there is no minimum purchase.

Free Shipping on orders $35+

So go take a look – it’s one of my favourite online fabric stores due to their huge selection, good prices, and great customer service!


  1. Pingback: Posts about Top Coupon Posts as of February 11, 2009 | Promos and Coupons
  2. Astrid says:

    Amy – Living in Denmark, I have experienced some fabulous customer service. At one point I wasn’t happy about the fabric I got – didn’t think the colours were like in the pictures. And they refunded me – even though there was no way I would pay shipping for two yards to go around the world. That’s awesome customer service! 🙂

    Jeannine – you’re welcome! Thank Tracy! 🙂

    Melanie – yeah, it is kind of cool, isn’t it? I too was surprised! 😉

  3. Astrid says:

    Karen – wow, that’s just bad luck – but my bet is with your orders $5 off wouldn’t have gotten you that far… 😉

    Teri – yep! 🙂

    Julia – ja – og så helt omme fra den anden side! (Og det er rigtigt det der med, at det er anbefalelsesværdigt – det går kun i tolden sådan cirkus hver tredje gang, og det koster en brøkdel af, hvad det koster i DK…) 🙂

  4. AdronsCatherine says:

    Thank you so much for the coupon code!!! I always salivate over their selection, but can’t justify adding to my overly large stash lol! However, this time, they had a couple of fabrics I’ve been looking for forever, and I jumped on it! Of course, I had to order $35 worth, too, so I could get the free shipping ;o)

  5. Astrid says:

    AdronsCatherine – thank you so much for letting me know – and I’m so happy, that the coupon code was useful to you! Just stopped by your blog, by the way – and I do believe I’m coming back… 😉

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