Ronja’s 11th Birthday

Is it ok to turn a bit nostalgic, when you just spent the weekend celebrating your oldest daughter’s 11th birthday – and all of a sudden she seems so grown up? Well, I did.

That tiny girl. And she’s eleven.

She didn’t want us to plan much for her birthday – as long as she got to invite her class, play music in the garden, and have a bonfire going. No treasure hunt and goodie bags. Just hot dogs, sodas, chips, and cup cakes. Then they could provide the rest of the party – and so they did.

Big girl.

Today we celebrated with the family – in our traditional manner. Not everything changes. 😉



One comment

  1. mlrytter says:

    Ã…h altsÃ¥ Astrid – jeg bliver helt rørt. De bliver sÃ¥ store de piger, og man kan da slet ikke lade være med at kigge lidt tilbage ogsÃ¥. Tillykke med hende, hun er dømme en flot pige.

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