Our Bedroom In 3D

In order to fit a bedroom and a nice sewing space into our bedroom, we need to be a little bit creative. I wanted to get an idea of how much space we had to work with, so on Mads’ recommendation, I downloaded Google Sketchup during the weekend. (As you may be aware, Mads draws 3D models professionally, but he left the design of this room up to me, so I took him up on the challenge.) Sunday night I made the below draft of what I want to do with the room. Google Sketchup enables anyone with a bit of patience to draw their projects up in 3D, and it works surprisingly well, although I would recommend going through at least the first 4 video tutorials if you haven’t tried drawing 3D before, which I haven’t. They helped me a lot. However, altogether it only took me a few hours (and a little swearing) to draw up the idea I had, using accurate dimensions.

Designing the new bedroom/sewing space

It won’t be huge, but this could be a really nice sewing space, I think. The wall that is not there, is the one that holds our closets, which will still be the case after the renovation. The door into the room from the hallway is to the right – it’s easier to see in the picture below.

Designing the new bedroom/sewing space

Mads painted the ceiling yesterday, and the walls had first coat tonight, so it won’t be long before I need my design to be ready to go shopping. I think it’s going to look something like this, but if you have good ideas based on what you see, don’t hold back! 🙂


  1. Millie says:

    I think it looks good…will your machines be out full time? I presume that’s the idea. It will be nice to work in front of the window.
    Our bedroom is nearing the end too…I hope!

  2. Astrid says:

    Millie – it is part of the idea to be able to have them out full time, but of course with the option to put them away, either under the table or just move them to the far right on the table. I know what you mean – I could easily manage without any more projects for a while… 😉

  3. Ann Marie says:

    I like what you did. Happy to hear it is only a few hours and some swearing before I too can draw in 3D! That’s encouraging.

    My bedroom walls are all weird angles and as a result there is no room for a nightstand next to the bed so no place to put my book or glasses (I have to read in bed before I go to sleep). Don’t know if that will bug you as much as it bugs me. Looks like you have the reading light problem solved with lights above the bed.

  4. Astrid says:

    Ann Marie – you should head on over there and try – it is kind of fun to be honest. 🙂 I thought about the nightstand-issue, and I will probably have to figure out something – maybe an open shelf in the closets on each side of the bed. Thanks for your input!

    Jolanda – thanks! You have a good point, but we will be keeping the same bed we had before, so no height adjusting in this case. Also I hope we will be able to fit a lot of stuff into the new closets, so it won’t be necessary – I don’t want to make vacuuming too difficult.

  5. Anne says:

    Have you consider a fold out-table above the bed? That will give you a great cutting out work space where you can work while standing up. And then it can fold up again at night time.

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