Monday was Frida’s birthday – she is 2 years old now. It’s incredible how quickly time passes.
This cheeky, headstrong, won’t-take-no-for-an-answer, yet completely charming little girl with the sun in her eyes has been with us now for 2 years.
She is one of a kind.
Here she is with some of her presents – Mads and I gave her the sweet little kitchen from IKEA, for which she also received several other things. She loved it – and now at least she has a kitchen!
We also made her a little book from with pictures of our family, house, garden, and the things that mean something to her – including a few pages about the cleft palate. It’s a huge hit, and I will say that I can warmly recommend the site to anyone wanting to make a personal, yet cool book for their child. Also I received great customer service during my work with the book, which is something I’m always impressed with.
We celebrated Frida’s birthday Sunday, and she was celebrated again at the nursery Monday. I think she enjoyed her birthday for sure – she talks so much now, and she has been talking a lot about presents, birthday and so on. 🙂
On a different note, we have been really busy around here, which is why the blog has been kind of quiet. Quite honestly, I just haven’t had the surplus energy to write. For several weekends, we have had plans, and I have had a work development, which is keeping me on my toes, and at the same time, we have all been having sore throats and runny noses. I’m still not rid of it, but I sure hope I will be soon!
The kitchen-situation is improving, but not having been home during the weekends, time spent there has been limited. What you see below is the wall towards the living room.
I hope I will be able to show you more shortly. This coming weekend the calendar is clear – and I’m really looking forward to spending some relaxed time with the girls, while Mads is doing his thing in the kitchen-to-be.
Happy birthday to Frida!
Laura and Frida share the same birthday(although Laura is a year older). Strange to think that we were both doing birthday celebrations on the same day.
How sweet! Love the cake. Thanks for the tip on the play kitchen. I have that on my list for my girls for Christmas, I can count on that one. Looks awesome, gotta love Ikea.
Happy birthday, little sunshine!
La Breithe Shona Duit, Frida!I love her kitchen. I hope everyone feels 100% better soon.
Your kitchen is looking good, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful. We’re waiting for the plasterers to come and hopefully our upstairs will look a bit better too!
Allerede 2 Ã¥r! Hjertelig tilykke med jeres skønne Frida. Hun er vokset siden sidst…uha, hvor gÃ¥r det stærkt. Og nu med eget køkken – hvor er det bare fint. 🙂
Hvor var det virkelig dejligt at læse dine ord igen.
I har haft travlt og det sidste man så tænker på er at skrive. Deri er jeg helt enig. 🙂
Hav det rigtig godt… :))
What a pretty cake! Happy Birthday Frida!!
Hej Astrid
Tillykke med den lille trold. ja tiden går stærkt og man kan ikke i sin vildeste fantasi tro at der er gået 2 år.
Det er en sjov men også til tider anstrengende alder. de vil bare alt selv og de snakker som et vandfald og ikke alt forstår man.
Dejligt at få et par ord fra dig og kan godt forstå at bloggen er det sidste man tænker på. Det vigtigste er jo at hverdagen hænger sammen.
Hi Astrid,
So glad you’re posting because I started to worry a bit. Glad to know no major catastrophy happened! Hope you can enjoy a nice homely kitchen within the near future. Untill then: hang on there.
Greetings, Ria
Happy birthday Frida!
I think you are so proud of your nice mom.I also respect your mom.I love your blog!I will be back soon!
STORT tillykke med svesken:)
Sejt køkken hun har fået. Jeg glæder mig til at se jeres også. Men nok ikke så meget som I selv gør;)
Happy Birthday Frida.
Being 2 is a lovely age.
Hopefully you will hav a working kitchen for Christmas.
Just found your WONDERFUL blog/life story! I also have a 16 month old and a full blown renovation going on. New roof,new 2nd floor(rooms,bath,floors,doors,windows)learning german,drivers ed all over again (LOL never thought that was going to happen again!)…but happy and loving my NEW crazy life in Germany. I LOVE sewing…and look forward to the time when the circus dies down a bit. All I just REALLY want to say is that I TOTALLY relate and wish you ALL the best…I admire you!
she is beautiful and happy belated birthday! her dress looks really familiar, is that from the latest ottobre? 6/2009, it looks like they have something like that in it