Frida – so now there’s 4 of us!

Two weeks ago, Ronja, Mads, and I had been to Ronja’s swimming lesson. On the way home we had something to eat, and well at home, I read Ronja a bedtime story, while Mads made tea and prepared Ronja’s lunch box for the next day. I had only just kissed Ronja goodnight when the water broke – well over a month early. Thus surprised, we alerted the grandmothers and packed a bag for the hospital. 11:15 p.m. Mads’ mother arrived, and at midnight Mads and I were at the hospital. After several examinations, Mads and I had a few hours sleep in the hospital, waiting for the labour to start. About 10 hours later, our beautiful little Frida saw the light of day at 11.48 a.m. September 28th after a good birth without complications – though rather well attended because of her being a bit early.

We spent a week in the hospital – the first two days in the neonatal intensive care unit, partly due to her early birth, partly due to the fact that she has a cleft palate. Anyhow, they wanted to make sure, that she would be able to eat and breathe as she should. After two days we were moved out of neonatal, but they still wanted to keep her in the hospital to make sure she gained weight. Finally she had to have light therapy for two days as a treatment for jaundice – at this point I really wanted to go home, because even though Mads and Ronja came to visit for a few hours every day, the days in the hospital seemed terribly long, and a little bit lonely, with hours of just looking at the tiny baby in the light box next to me.

Last Thursday we were let loose and it was SO good to finally be home. Ronja was understandably rather confused while Frida and I were in hospital, and from the moment we were home she was much more balanced. She is definitely a very proud big sister!

Because of Frida’s early arrival, we were far from ready for the baby at home when we left for the hospital. My maternity leave had not yet started when the water broke, and all the preparations that I had planned for the remaining month had not yet been made. So while I was in hospital, Mads had been busy, preparing as much as he could, finishing the work in Frida’s room, finding the necessary baby gear etc. I was really happy to find that the house was ready for the baby when we got home. We would have liked to have the living room repainted (and a bit more than that) before the new family member’s arrival, but that’s something we’re going to have to do some other time. Pictures of Frida (and the rest of us) are found here.

Speaking of the house, I should mention that what needs to be done upstairs now, are final touches. The bathroom and Ronja’s room are finished, and only a few things need to be done in Frida’s room. The hallway is finished, so except for the staircase everything is pretty much done! You can see the updated gallery here – pictures from Frida’s room will be there when it is finished.

Now we’re slowly getting used to being a family of 4. When Ronja was born, Mads planted a tree in the garden – what we call the Ronja-tree. Last weekend, Ronja and Mads bought a tree for Frida, which they planted when they got home, so that she too can have her own tree.

At the moment Frida is sleeping here next to me – we should probably follow suit soon.


  1. Ditte says:

    Hej Astrid, Mads, Ronja og lille Frida.
    Tillykke med den lille ny. Jeg er glad for at læse at alt gik godt trods den tidlige ankomst. Jeg er på efterårsferie i Hjørring hos min søster, som venter en lille søn til november. Jeg syntes det kunne være sjovt hvis han kom ud nu, men han lader ikke til at ville forlade hulen forløbig. Det er nok godt nok 😉
    I ønskes tillykke endnu engang og hyg jer.

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