Fireworks in the garden

We had a wonderful evening yesterday. In spite of it being a bit windy, it was quite warm enough to have dinner in the garden, and I think Mads enjoyed his birthday a great deal.

Today the peonies have been popping out all around me. They’re so beautiful, I just thought I’d share…

Peony in bloom 

Peony in bloom 

Peony in bloom 

The old lady who lived in this house before us really knew what she was doing!

The days and weeks to come, we’re going to have lots and lots of these around – pink, red, white, cream, soft rose… I just love them. And Ronja actually didn’t pick any – yet! 🙂

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Addition: Ronja just saw the last picture and said: “Awwww, Mom – there’s a bird in there!” And what do you know – I think she’s right!  🙂


  1. Ulla V. says:

    Gid jeg havde dem, de skønne sarte farver -men jeg satte 2 sidste år, så de kommer vel engang ;0) Imens er det dejligt at kunne nyde synet af dine smukke pæoner…

    Jeg kan godt se fuglen,Ronja….åh, hvor holder jeg meget af børns måde at opleve og se på :0)

    Rigtig god torsdag…

  2. Astrid says:

    Ulla – ja, de er altså bare så dejlige! Og dine kommer garanteret, for de er altså ikke svære at have, hvis man ellers har jorden til det! Ja, man skulle altid have et barn ved hånden til at fange de skjulte vinkler! 🙂

  3. Astrid says:

    Creature of Habit – I think peonies are very romantic, and at the same time very sensual. Perfect really for a wedding flower! I’m just very much fascinated by them! Thanks!

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