Back from the break

After a few months break due to a bit of blog-technical difficulties, I’m going to give it a go again. The blog will look slightly different, so bear with me, if something comes out the wrong way at first. I have to find my feet – blogwise – again.

I don’t really know where to start.

Sewing for blog

In January, I started to sew. It began, because I bought a dress for the shrovetide celebration at Ronja’s kindergarten. The dress had to be altered a bit, and after spending half a day altering and sewing tiny roses on it, I wanted to sew more. In the beginning, I was using the old Brother sewing machine which I inherited from my aunt, but quite quickly, it fell short, and I started looking to see if buying a new one would be possible. Currently, I’m sewing on a Pfaff 2027, which I found used at a really good price. I’m really happy with it – such a good purchase!

Then in March, my good friend Kristina wanted a new serger, and she wanted me to take over the old Singer serger, to see if I could make better use of it, than she had. So now I have a serger too – it did need a bit of looking into the tension dials, but now it’s working fine, and I’m so happy with it! It makes my sewing so much neater. I discovered the Ottobre Design Kids Fashion magazines, and I have been sewing lots of their clothes for the girls. I’m still in a learning process, but take a look here.


Frida has taken some huge leaps in her development during the past few months. She is such a happy and wonderful girl – sleeping all through the night, eating (very) well, playing, laughing, and rolling from her back to her stomach. The latter she does all the time – we cannot place her on her back and expect her to stay that way for a few seconds – she rolls over immediately. She has one meal of rice cereal each day, and in spite of the cleft palate, she’s doing a great job with it. We started giving it to her about 2-3 weeks ago, and she’s eating almost like a pro now. Sometimes it finds its way up into the nose, then she sneezes and we have rice cereal all over, but it’s not that bad, and most of the time, she’s just so good at it! We celebrated her baptism on March 16th, and pictures from the wonderful day are available here.

This will have to do for now – I have much more to say, so there are going to be a bit of catching-up posting, but until next time!  🙂


  1. Ulla says:

    Du er da simpelthen utrolig…tænk at du kun har syet i så kort tid!! Det er bare flot og imponerende…du må have sy-evner ;0)

    Det er nogle kønne piger i har. Jeg kunne ikke lade være med at smile, da jeg læste om mad i næsen…åh, hvor jeg husker det tydeligt fra Anne-Sophie og Emil.

    God søndag….

  2. Astrid says:

    Hej Ulla – tusinde tak! Jeg har da haft håndarbejde i skolen og ungdomsskolen, men tålmodigheden er lissom mere til syning nu – her 15 år senere… ;o)

    Mad i næsen er obligatorisk, og med Fridas ganespalte har vi lige dobbelt op – men det takler hun nu fint!


  3. Helle says:

    ..Og nu har jeg jo så også opdaget din blog;-) Og her kommer jeg til at tilbringe masser af tid, kan jeg se! Lækre lækre fotos, inspiration, skøn læsning…Du er hermed med på min blogline!

    Ha’ en god pinse

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